Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spot Reducing Body Fat


Hey Brian,

I am 27 years old, 5 foot 10 inches, and 205 pounds. I am an avid
sportsman, and am pretty much in great physical condition, the only place
I have any fat/flab, being my chest and stomach. I have solid muscle
everywhere else, my arms, legs, back, shoulders, everywhere. I have been
active every single day of my life for the last 20 years, playing sport
everyday. I play upto 2 hours of competitive squash each day, and still
find myself not losing any weight. I am not interested in building
muscle, or definition, just wanted to know if there is anything in
specific I can do to lose my stomach and chest? I am not a weight kinda
guy, and am not interested in going to the gym, although I do ab crunches
3 times a week of late. Please help me out with stuff I can do.


Well, you cannot spot reduce body fat and a example I share with people is this (If you chewed gum all day your jaw doesn't get smaller) and what I mean by that is if you do situps and pushups there isn't a whole lot going to happen as far as results.

People also avioding weights also do rubber band workouts and blow up ball workouts don't see the same type of results as you would by doing a regular bench press and some weighed decline sit-ups. Resistance training works best if you have added resistance instead of just bodyweight, or a rubber band or ball. If you really want to see a fast change in your appearance do some weight training as it works the best and fastest.

The next thing is your nutrition - you should know how many calories you are eating on a regular basis. Have you always held body fat in your stomach and chest or has it happened recently and did your diet change? If you are not doing 5-6 small balanced meals each day you can speed up your metabolism by doing that.

Weight training and diet that is what you need if you keep doing 2 hours os sports - when you stop doing sports do some cardio exercise - but don't aviod the weights and make your nutrition into smaller meals and eat every 3-4 hours.

- Brian
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