Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here is my solid advice to feeling better ALL the time.

Here is my solid advice to feeling better ALL the time.

#1 Get the multi-vitamins! That will help your body get the
nutrients it needs that
can be hard to acquire with the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet)

#2 It is VERY important to eat 3 meals and 2 good solid snacks a
day. Take your
daily caloric intake needed, and divide that by 5.

#3 As well as 5 meals, make sure they are balanced with protein,
carbs, and fat. Don't just eat a meal of carbs, like say a bowl of
pasta. Make sure you have protein with EACH meal. * If you do eat
pasta, make sure it is whole wheat or whole grain of some sort.
WHITE pasta not the best.

#4 Break-FAST is the most important meal of the day.... REALLY.
The reason so is that you are breaking a FAST and when you
Break-a-Fast, your body needs proper balanced nutrition to get the
motor running. Remember that you have been FASTING the whole time
you have been asleep. Feed the body when you awake.

#5 Emotions, critical thinking, judgement, and clarity of mind IS
lost if you are not eating every 3-4 hours. This means, I and I
know from personal experimentation, that I would be happy and go
lucky one minute, then suddenly a felt tired, irritable,
frustrated, and
unable to function properly....

This is mainly due to the fact that your Blood Sugar is "in the
toilet" as I like to say. A quick fix is to eat a snack or meal.
Even if it's an apple, banana, raisins for quick pick me up, it
works. SOOOO..... don't starve the body and these type of issues
(Emotions, critical thinking,judgement, and clarity of mind) will
get better daily.... always.

#6 Avoid stimulants which only give you "false energy" which is
really stress on the body & adrenals.... they (stimulants) are
o.k and fun to use here and there..... but not a solution.

#7 Rest. 6-8 hours is good. Over 8 hours is actually not good.

#8 Be Happy, Look for the BEST in every moment. No need to
stress... this is false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R).... life
will continue to roll and get better the more you focus on what you
"want in life."

#9 Smile

Wishing you the best life (you) can create!

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