Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Most Critical Part Of Your Workout

Dear Fellow Athlete,

Ok, so you're working your butt off. You're sweating. You're hustling. You're getting that exercise "high." Heck, not only are you now enjoying your workouts, but you want to learn more about how to make them more effective.

That's great!

It never ceases to amaze me how most people don't give their bodies a second thought. They think they just go to the gym...walk on the treadmill...throw some weights around...go home and eat whatever...

Seriously, the human body is the most complicated piece of machinery on the planet. Do they really think there's ZERO science behind exercise? Do they really think they can just eat whatever is in their fridge after working their butts off?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it drives me a little crazy when people look at fitness as nothing more than guesswork. Actually, it's a little infuriating.

Take post-workout nutrition, for example. Does it make sense that there be an OPTIMAL way to fuel your body after all the demands you make of it during your training session? Of course it does!

Bottom line: Recent studies have shown that a carbohydrate AND protein formula is more effective for rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen after exercise than a carbohydrate only supplement of equal carbohydrate or caloric content.

In other words, just drinking a "sports drink" after your workout doesn't cut it. The research indicates you need to fuel your body with just the right combo of carbs AND protein. And yes, this is hyper-critical to optimizing your efforts.

Here's two more things you need to know about getting the most bang for your workout buck:

1) As a proud Prograde Partner I'm thrilled to let you know that Prograde Workout is now available on a FREE trial basis. There's just a small S & H fee.

2) On the link below you can also learn more about the research study on post-workout nutrition.

Yes, Prograde Workout recovery drink is based on this very research. It provides the right combo of protein and carbs that your body craves after a tough training session.

Just click this special link right here and find out for yourself how you can try it for FREE:


Yours in health,

Brian Cannone

PS - If you want to optimize your efforts then you owe it to yourself to try Prograde Workout and see the results for yourself.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

April 24, 2010 Fitness Atlantic

Dear Fellow Athletes,

As in the past I have always felt obligated to present the sport of fitness and bodybuilding at its best. Together, with members of my staff, I want to welcome you to participate in the 12th annual "Fitness Atlantic Championships". I have worked very hard to present the best contest on the east coast. I have invited competitive athletes, guest posers, and national judges, and I am pleased with the response. I am promising you a day of excitement and entertainment.

Each athlete, like yourself, that will compete is a Real Person. You are the result of Hard Work, Proper Diet, and Consistant Training. You are a Winner in your own way. To be able to maintain a quality physique requires much Discipline, Self-Determination and Sacrifices. I respect you and wish you the best of luck. I understand the amount of effort it takes to compete and you deserve a professionally produced event. From the way the event is scheduled to run on time and offer spectacular Broadway staging to high-tech and state-of-the-art music and lighting.

I am pleased to work with a staff of devoted people that are motivated toward a common goal; to help expand the sport of physical fitness and competitive bodybuilding. These hard working individuals have used all of our resources not only to offer you our best, but to produce the most extraordinary extravaganza you can image in bodybuilding and fitness competition taday!

More importantly, I keep each athlete and the audience in mind at all times. I am looking ahead, and it is with great pride that I am announcing that on April 24, 2010, I will again produce the Fitness Atlantic Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini and Model Championships, one of the greatest and most prestigious contests in the country. I am looking forward to seeing you.


*Open to all natural athletes
*Cash Awards and Pro Qualifier

Show Location:
East Haven Performing Arts Center
35 Wheelbarrow Lane
East Haven, CT 06512

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wishing you a wonderful Holiday

I would like to take a moment to wish you a wonderful holiday.

For the people that celebrate Christmas the big day is Friday and most people will be running around last minute shopping and cooking and baking today and Thursday.

It's sometimes a mad rush to the stores and things seem crazy but the day is most special to people that have children. That's the way I seem to look at Christmas as a very important day for kids to open presents. Who doesn't have memories of waking up early on Christmas to see what Santa left under the tree?

As the year comes to a close for 2009 people will also start to kick in their New Year's fitness resolutions and I hope you have your calendar marked for April 24, 2010 in East Haven, CT for the 12th Annual Fitness Atlantic Championship.

So talking about kids and resolutions I'd like to introduce a good friend of mine Cathy Savage.

Cathy is a mom of two children ages 5 and 7. She is a graduate of Boston College and a popular speaker, presenter and personality in the fitness industry. She has appeared on Fox News, MTV as well as ABC News as a fitness expert and she runs CAMP SAVAGE, a bootcamp that helps women get in shape and win fitness, bikini and figure contests.

Cathy has teamed with Tiffani Bachus, R.D. is a Nutrition and Fitness Consultant who specializes in weight management, sports nutrition, child obesity and wellness education.

Together Cathy and Tiffani have created for you a 2-week, no fail holiday survival guide. This specially designed eating and exercsie plan will keep your hunger at bay, your blood sugar level balanced and your energy level high.

They have found that people fall into one of three metabolic types. These types express unique patterns of energy - particular blends of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

It's right here - - - -> http://tinyurl.com/y8fhv6s

Get started by clicking on this link http://tinyurl.com/y8fhv6s and find out your metabolic type. Then click on the food and exercise plan that matches your type.

Get started right away and you will have a happy and healthy holiday season!

Happy Holidays,


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Calorie Contro

So far we've talked about creating a PLAN to control your calorie intake during the holidays. And part of that plan was really watching your alcohol intake because it can lead to bad eating decisions.

Now let's talk more about enjoyment.

Yes, you CAN enjoy your favorite foods. But enjoy them by savoring them, not devouring them.

Chew your food slowly.

That might not seem it, but that is a BIG TIME tip.

Enjoy your favorites by taking your time eating them. That may mean finding a quiet space to eat when at a loud party. But it will be worth the little bit of extra effort.

And it's going to take about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that you are full. So take your time. Enjoy every bite with zero guilt.

Again, this might seem too simple, but it's not. It really can be this easy if you stay focused on your plan

Yours in health,

Brian Cannone

PS - As a proud Prograde Partner I really cannot recommend their products enough. And I don't know that they'll ever again offer 15% off all their products like they are this week.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stage Ready Nutrition and Training Special


Ever get one of those feelings like you made someone an offer

and you gave away so many extras you thin you may have given away

too much stuff - well with this your getting a 2 DVD set shipped right to your house

and every book I've written over the past 4 years.

So the sale is ending and this is the final notice about it.

No longer will I give away all the bonus programs with this book.

The special half-off sale for your Stage Ready Nutriton & Training

system ends at midnight *tonight*.

Here's the full scoop:


This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU'

for taking action and doing what it takes to be happy,

healthy, and ready to step on stage whether you want to
compete or not.

Here's the special website where you save 50%:


------------------------------ ----------------------------

Try My Stage Ready eBook For 50% Off And Get FIVE
Free Bonuses!

------------------------------ ---------------------------

If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you

heading to my special 'half-off' web site, these FOUR

free gifts will surely do the trick. But these bonuses disappear
at Midnight on Thursday December 10th.

* Bonus 1: 14-Weeks of Pre-Contest Meal Plans

This detailed plan will tell you exactly what to put in
your mouth to give you the champions physique.

* Bonus 2: Fitness Atlantic Finals DVDs 09

This set contains two DVDs. Includes the finals for
bodybuilding, figure, fitness, bikini & modeling at the
2009 Fitness Atlantic Competition. This is a physical
product and will be shipped to your front door.

* Bonus 3: Body Transformation Tracker Software
Track muscle gains, fat loss and strength increases.
Create a training journal with a personalized online blog.
Upload progress images to compare from week to week.

* Bonus 4: Maximum Muscle Mass eBook by Mo Mendez

Learn Exactly How To Pack On 35 Pounds Of Solid Muscle
Mass In The Next 90-Days with the help of a pro bodybuilder.

* Bonus 5: No Discount Guide To Fitness Marketing

Teaches you how to bring in a flood of new members and clients
at top dollar prices!


That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you

try my entire Stage Ready plan for nearly 50% off.

Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!


Talk soon,


P.S. This special almost half off sale ends at midnight TONIGHT.

I'll most likely never offer a discount again. The bonuses will
disappear and the price goes up when I release this to the public.

If you'd like to get the revolutionary fitness system so many people
are raving about ...and save 50%, then go here now:


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

April 24, 2010 Fitness Atlantic - East Haven, CT

Brian Cannone's Fitness Atlantic is April 24, 2010 in East Haven, CT.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Stage Ready Nutrition and Training

An Open Letter To ALL Fitness, Figure, Bikini, Model and Bodybuilders Who Would Like To Compete In A Contest For The First Time...

Discover The "Backstage Secrets" That The Most Successful Fitness, Bikini, Model And Bodybuilding Competitors Use To Dominate Their Competition and Land on The Cover Of Famous Fitness Magazines...

Finally, Released To The General Public For A Limited Time Only:
Top Contest Producer of The Wildly Popular Fitness Atlantic Contest Finally Takes The Mystery Out Of Competing In A Contest By Going Back Stage And Revealing The Secrets Of The Top Athletes In His Contests

Now You Can Finally Take Your Body From Out-of-Shape To Contest Ready In No Time…No Matter What Age, Sex, And Training Background…
From: Brian Cannone
Founder of FitnessAtlantic.com

How would you like to go backstage at my Fitness Atlantic show and discover these secrets from the top competitors:

How to use nutrition, diet, and supplement secrets to maximize your physique potential

What to do to gain maximum exposure...in case your goal is to get on the cover of a magazine

How do the top athletes from my competition get in such amazing shape and improve themselves year after you.

Many athletes got started at my contests and am blessed to say are in my rolodex now...

And it might seem like an impossible dream to imagine yourself on one of these covers.

It was the same way for Lindsay Messina.

She wasn't even expecting to place in my contest the first time she entered.

But before she knew it, she was doing a photo shoot for the cover of Oxygen.

If you're like most people competing in their first contest you're:

Confused about which diet to use

Confused about how to train for a contest

Confused about the which supplements to use

Confused and overwhelmed by all the nutrition and diet programs out there? Not anymore...

I know how you feel.

Every time I produce my Fitness Atlantic Contest in New Haven, Connecticut I hear the same fears over and over again…

And their biggest one is...

...They don’t feel like they’ve had enough time to prepare for the contest…or they haven’t done the right things.

It’s not that they lacked the discipline.

It’s they took the wrong advice…listened to someone at the gym…or trusted in the latest rumors and gossip.

Put simply, they took the wrong path.

And it shows in everything they do…

From posing onstage to uncontrollable nervousness backstage.

It’s understandable…and I’m one of the few who can truly sympathize.

I’ve created a step-by-step plan to take you from beginner to contest ready in no time.

I’ll share it with you, but first here’s a little about my background so you know where I’m coming from…

Hi my name is Brian Cannone.

I have been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years…

From personal trainer and nutritionist...to running 2 of the largest health clubs in Connecticut, I’ve seen and done everything in a health club.

I’ve competed in 3 all natural bodybuilding contests…and judged major national contests…

And I’ve produced over 17 bodybuilding and fitness shows…including my own Fitness Atlantic which has become one of the largest shows in the country.

And believe me, from being in the contests and behind the scenes I’ve seen everything you can imagine…

Supplements, training, dieting, you name it I’ve seen it or I’ve tried it...

Over the years I’ve picked up thousands of tips and tricks which can hyper speed anyone from beginner to contest ready…but I’ve always had a gag order on these secrets…until now!

You see, some of the world’s top all-natural bodybuilding and fitness models compete in the contests I promote.

They come from all over because of the professional way I run my contests and the exposure they get.

And over the years I’ve had the pleasure to talk to the thousands of bodybuilders, fitness women, and bikini models who enter my show each year.

And over the years I’ve heard every frustration and problem you can imagine.

What’s bugged me the most: There was little I could do to help them with their problems.

It wasn't because I didn't want to. (I wanted to badly!)

And it wasn't because I didn't know the answers.

I had personally trained hundreds of bodybuilders and fitness models.

And I've competed myself.

It's this extensive background had allowed me to develop one of the biggest bags of tricks in the industry.

But I couldn’t share it with anyone.

As promoter of the contest I couldn't be seen as playing favorites and training the contestants.

It wouldn't be fair.

But with my burning desire to help everyone who wants to compete I finally found the solution…

And it’s in this letter I’m writing to you.

Here’s What My Get-In-Top-Shape-For-The-Contest
Blueprint Can Do For You…

My system for getting you a stage ready body has developed from my years in the industry as a competitive bodybuilder, judge, and producer.

And the network of fellow "fitness fanatics" who experiment with the latest cutting edge training, supplement, and nutrition information.

Over the years the core of the system has stayed the same...it is also responsible for the daily, weekly, and yearly improvements my clients see in their physiques.

The 4 keys to getting the body you want: A specific combination of nutrition, weight training workouts, cardio sessions, and supplements.

Your biggest problem when preparing for a contest: Within these 4 combinations are thousands of different ways to combine them…for different results.

If you’re like most people you’ve been “stuck” on one of these no result ruts with little or no results.

You could spend years and years trying the break the code for a stage ready physique in minimum time…

Most people do.

But you don’t have to…because of my unique position I’ve been able to unlock the code for you…

I can give you the Insider Shortcut for each of these keys…

Here’s what I’m talking about…

Insider Shortcut #1:
The “Magic” Nutrition Ratio Which Tilts Your Body’s Metabolism Toward Building Muscle And Losing Fat

Have you ever wondered how bodybuilders and fitness models can seem to always get the physique they want when contest time rolls around?

Their secret: It’s dieting on as many good carbohydrates as they can…while making sure the carbohydrates are shuttled into their muscles.

The results: They get a stage ready body to compete with.

The exact opposite of 99.9% of everyone on a fat burning and muscle building program.

The trick to making this secret work for you is to find out your “carbohydrate saturation point”.

Everyone has a different point and this number can’t be prescribed with a “cookie cutter” routine.

It’s not as complicated as it sounds and involves some simple arithmetic but once you find out your point…your body can change quickly.

This is my go to trick when it comes to getting bodybuilders and fitness models into super low levels of body fat.

It’s an overlooked an “obvious” nutrient your body uses to burn fat. The problem is most people don’t make it the focus of their nutrition program.

It has the double benefit of stoking your metabolism and making you feel full after a meal…

There’s simply no starving yourself when you use this little know trick…most of the people I train can’t believe how they never get hungry but see the amazing changes in the mirror.

And it doesn’t stop there…

Here are some other tricks you’ll discover:

The 7 things you must know about dieting that you’ll find no place else. Finally, the fitness competitors reveal their secrets and drop their guard because of my reputation.

Think you could never be a fitness or bikini model? Think again! You’ll be surprised to hear the behind the scenes stories of women worse off than you getting on the cover of Oxygen. How did they do it? Find out in the next 5 minutes.

Why 99.9% bodybuilders, fitness models, and models are dead wrong in their one size fits all nutrition program and how to customize your nutrition program to your biochemical needs for hyper fast fat loss

The one and only way to diet for a show that won’t cannibalize your hard earned muscle tissue…99.9% of contestants make this dieting mistake at the end and it costs them the first place trophy.

My controversial final week diet that will get your skin looking like tight and firm around your muscles.

The simple and easy way to trick your body into burning fat with my “swapping carbs” technique…whether it wants to or not.

Confused about what foods you can eat? Here’s a list of more than 125 of the perfect foods for triggering your body’s ability to build muscle and losing fat.

The easiest way to lose your love handles without endless exercise routines and starvation.

The secret to getting “contest ready” flat abs without the ab gadgets you see in the infomercials. In fact, these exercises can be done in as little as 5 minutes in your own home. No fancy gym equipment required.

Dangerous diet traps of the best selling diet books featured on Oprah. These diet fads are filled with ways to make sure you yo-yo in your weight loss

When you combine this shortcut with the next one you begin to get a "stacking effect" making your changes come faster and faster...

Insider Shortcut #2:
The Ultimate Training Routine You Won’t Find
in the Bodybuilding And Fitness Magazines

If you follow the training routines from the magazines you’re way off when it comes to a good training program.

Here's what they do: They get the latest "top" bodybuilder, fitness, figure, or bikini model to pose for a bunch of pictures...usually while they're working out.

Then they let you in on their training program.

But the truth is: They don't even follow the training program their recommending. The routines are made up from the editor or writer of the article.

And they usually exagerate the routine to make the person look good.

This is why a lot of cutting-edge routines never make it to the magazines. It doesn't fit the part.

That's why I'm letting you on the real secrets to training.

Here are some that set in motion the unstoppable momentum of burning fat:

Ordinary Workouts vs. Fitness Competitors Workouts. Discover the details of why some women can get amazing abs, toned arms, and amazing changes in their body in the shortest time possible.

The “Bikini-Body” workout used by the most famous fitness women to get ready for their cover photo shoots…they use this dynamite routine when they have no choice but to be in super shape—fast!

A step-by-step plan to get you in top shape for your first contest. Go from flabby to fabulous in no time with my full detailed plan for first time contestants.

The one thing you must do to make sure you ignite fat loss…most wannabe bodybuilders and fitness models mess this up and spend years in frustration…getting modest result

How to get in your "optimum fat burning zone" so that you're building burning fat 24 hours a day/7 days a week...a trick to make sure you get in and stay in in your first workout.

The 4 Phase Training Routine guaranteed to keep your body off balance so the muscle gains keep coming.

How to get maximum and full fat burning power in minimum time by using the one "unbreakable" law of fat burning.

The easiest way to get amazing arms which you’ll want to show off everywhere. This tone producing arm workout uses the secrets of bodybuilders to get fast results without getting you too bulky.

Once you have 2 parts of the stack complete you're well on your way...but you still need the other 2 to really get the gains you deserve...

"My name is Jude Achu and I started competing in the NPC Connecticut State and won the novice divsion when I wanted to move up the competitive ladder I started the Stage Ready Nutrition and Training program. I was able to loose bodyfat and keep all my muscle by following a plan that kept me eating more food than ever and I looked my best. Before the plan I guessed what to eat and now I knew exactly what to do and why to do it. I went on to win the 2005 Atlantic Heavyweight class, the INBF CT State, NPC Connecticut Overall and compete as a Professional in the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation."

- Jude Achu

"My first show was the 2003 Atlantic Championships at 22 years old I was a former football player at Sacred Heart University. Following Brian's plan allowed me to compete in my first show and get shredded like I never looked before - my eating habits are still the same now and the information I learned will be with me the rest of my life. Each year and each contest I became better and I even won the New York Musclemania contest and became a Professional Natural Bodybuilder."

- Jamel Keels

"I'm Pete Saccone and after years of training and dieting down on tuna and rice cakes I decided to try something new. I followed the program and had my bodyfat tested every two weeks - I ate so many vegetables and high fiber carbohydrates I felt great. I never before held my mass for a show I would get ripped and back in the day I won the ANBC USA Overall but now at 50 years old I am a much better bodybuilder than I was over 10 years ago!"

- Pete Saccone

Insider Shortcut#3:
How To Use The Supplement Stacking Tricks
To Create an Avalanche of New Muscle Mass

Supplements are one of the most confusing aspects of building muscle and burning fat. Just about all of the information on supplements come from the supplement companies themselves.

You’ve probably already heard of the link between the muscle magazines and supplement companies.

What no one talks about is the interplay between certain classes of supplements. The base supplements, the muscle building supplements, and the fat burning supplements.

The fat burning market is scattered with pitfalls and landmines.

Get a No B.S. look at the latest fat burning ingredients and supplements

The all natural supplements used by the first place finishers…finally you can peek into their gym bag and see what it is they are taking to look like they do.

Discover which supplements are legal for natural competition and which ones cross the line and disqualify you completely

How to use the "15-Minute Window of Opportunity" to tilt the ciritcal tesosterone/cortisol ratio in your body's favor giving you a continual windfall of fat burning activity.

Why taking an ordinary multi-vitamin and mineral can be limiting your muscle gains. The right one is critical to the success of your other supplements and can mean the difference between jump starting your metabolism and bringing it to a screeching halt.

Insider Shortcut#4:
The Cardio Conundrum Demystified: Build Muscle While You Get Shredded By Overcoming Marathon Cardio Sessions…

If you want to get your body fat into the single digits you need to do cardio.

I know a lot of experts claim you don't need them.

But I've never met a bodybuilder, fitness, figure, or bikini model who won a first place trophy...and didn't do cardio.

But there is a right way to do it...and a wrong way.

The right way lets you keep your muscle mass while shedding the fat.

The wrong way eats it up.

I'm ready to clear up the confusion for you right now....with the exact solution to performing the right amount of cardio to get a stage ready physique.

The ONE BIG difference between the men and women who get results and the ones who don’t...is one critical trait...

The winners of my drug free competitions are the ones who are constantly experimenting with their bodies…to see what gives them the quickest and most dramatic results to their physiques imaginable.

Over the years I’ve built up a “hardcore” network of bodybuilding, fitness, and bikini models that number in the thousands…

I’ve built up one of the biggest Drug-Free Bodybuilding, Fitness and Model Rolodexes which has become a mountain of tips, tricks, and short cuts to getting musculare and shredded in the fastest time possible.

Since I’m the producer of one of the largest shows I talk to my network on a daily basis…

I give them advice…listen to what they’re testing out right now…and hearing the amazing discoveries they’re unearthing in their training, nutrition, and supplement programs.

And the best part is you can be a part of this movement…you can jump in and benefit from what they’re discovering right now.

Nothing like you see from the websites and magazines.

They might report about these breakthroughs years from now...but by then it'll be old news.

How can I say this?

Simply, because they are farther down the line…

You’ll hear about some great breakthrough in training written up in Muscle and Fitness…but by that time it’s old hat where we’re at…

The network I am involved in has already tried it, tweaked it, and gotten it down to the essence of what works or not and is already benefiting from it.

As a result of my insider advantages I’m at the epicenter of bodybuilding intelligence.

When you step on stage you need to know what it takes to really compete and place.

Here’s some recent stuff I’ve learned from my insider’s network:

The Feel Full Diet that satisifies all your cravings and helps you build a fitness model body in no time.

5 Sure Fire Ways To Shrink Your Belly, Tone Your Arms, and Get Those Killer Legs You Can Be Proud To Show Off

The Top 10 Dirty Little Secrets of how fitness and bikini models really get in tip top shape…from someone who has seen them backstage.

How to burn fat in those stubborn hard to reduce trouble spots.

Fat Loss Secrets for women in their 20s 30s and 40s…Yes you can even compete in a bikini or fitness contest past 50.
And so...

That's why I am releasing...

Brian Cannone’s…

Stage Ready Nutrition & Training

This is my instantly downloadable PDF manual which runs you from A to Z on everything you need to know to compete in a show.

Whether you’re competing in a show for the first time or you just want to boost your rankings here is the chance to get an exclusive behind the scenes look at the tips and tricks 1st place winners use.

No other author can offer this unique opportunity from someone who has competed in and runs more all natural bodybuilding shows and now produces one of the most popular shows in the country…here is your chance to get that extra edge.

So before I tell you the price let’s look at
similar programs you could be on…

Option #1: Hiring your own personal trainer-

This would cost you at least $50 per session. At 3 sessions a week you’re looking at $150 a week. $600 a month. And $7200 a year.

And that’s just some basic trainer who hasn’t specialized in competiting on stage. They’ll look at you confused when you tell them how ripped and muscular you really want to get.

With The Stage Ready Program you get more attention than any personal trainer could possibly provide. You can’t call them up 24 hours a day and ask them questions. So access to this information could easily be $7,200 a year. (But I’m not going to charge you that…)

Option #2: Hire your own nutritionist-

Now, Let’s say you also hired a nutritionist to customize a diet for you…

Be prepared to shell out up to $185 on your first visit! And $50 for each additional visit.

If you go one time a week to see them that’s $2735 a year.

So $7200 for a personal trainer and $2735 for a nutritionist is $9,935 for a year’s program.

But wait…

Every good program takes advantage of the cutting-edge supplements on the market.

Post workout nutrition, creatine, beta alanine, all proven supplements which could make a huge difference in your physique.

But it can also add up quickly. For example, the popular supplement NO EXPLODE sells for about $36 for a months supply. That’s $432 a year.

And that doesn’t include your protein!

You could easily spend over $2,000 on your supplements in a year. And that’s for a supplement that can’t guarantee you’ll be ready to compete.

And don’t forget your gym membership.

It adds up to more than $12,935 a year…easily!

But for a limited time you can get the book for only $67

I know you're a savvy online so you've probably seen the $127 programs on the market.

I've seen them and I could easily charge that for this program. And I probably will later on.

Order Today and You Will Also Receive
the Following 3 FREE Bonuses

BONUS #1: Pre Contest Meal Plans

The biggest mistake contestants make is their diet preparation. This can make or break a champions physique.

It can mean the difference between walking on stage and looking shredded or looking smooth and flat…no matter what your body fat percentage is.

That’s why I’ve put together this detailed plan on exactly what to put in your mouth to give you the champions physique.

BONUS #2: Fitness Atlantic Finals DVDs

This set contains two DVDs. Includes the finals for bodybuilding, figure, fitness, bikini & modeling at the 2009 Fitness Atlantic Competition.

Features bodybulding winner Paul Kibisu, Fitness winner Annette Perry, Model Kelly Jimenez and many other rising stars.

These DVDs are physical and will be shipped to you in the mail at no extra cost.

BONUS #3: Body Transformation Tracker Software

Easily track diet and nutrition down to the finest detail. Access full nutritional information for hundreds of foods. Log all weight training and cardio workouts in detail.

Track muscle gains, fat loss and strength increases. Create a training journal with a personalized online blog. Upload progress images to compare from week to week.

I'm Still Skeptical 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Here's How to Get Access To The Program Right Now…

You can safely use your credit card, paypal account or online check to order. Your card details are safe, encrypted and are not stored online.

Remember, no physical products will be shipped.

Everything can be accessed online from any computer 24 hours a day/7days a week.

If you run into any problems whatsoever, my support team will promptly assist you.

This system runs 24 hours a day, so you can still gain instant access even at 3 in the morning!

Get ready for to change your life forever…

Stage Ready Nutrition & Training

Yours for your best body,

Brian Cannone

P.S. Right now someone in my insider's network is experimenting with a nutrition, training, or supplement trick that could mean the difference between a whole new transformation for you. Don't sit on the sidelines.

I Get eMails Like This Daily! Now's Your Chance To Access My Secrets At A Fraction Of The Cost

Brian, my friend Jason came to you back in 2006 for dieting he'll for a show and he swore you were phenomenal. I want your help for my diet. I have basically been on the Keto diet the past 2-3 months, and people swear by it but its not working for me. I need to get my lower abs and side obliques to show and nothings working. I do sick amounts of cardio and I follow my diets to a TEE and I don't get the results I want. I will pay you ANY amount of money for your services. I need your dieting help.

I am getting ready for a photo shoot and time is of the essence for me right now. I will send you my photos and my diet and workout tonight, but if you could get back to me sooner than next weekend it would be so much appreciated, SO MUCH. If you are to busy though, I completely understand, I know you have important things to deal with. I will send my stuff now, and thank you so much for even considering offering me your help. Talk to you soon, Brian. And remember, I will pay whatever consulting rates you charge, thank you.

- Jimmy

Stage Ready Nutrition & Training

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Turkey Day Aftermath

Hey, hope your great,

Whew! It's always a little crazy here at Fitness Atlantic the week after Thanksgiving. Everyone wants to get back on track after taking a few liberties during the Holiday weekend ;-)

So today I don't have very much time to write to you - at all. But as a proud Prograde Nutrition partner I had to let you know that their Whole Foods based multi - VGF 25 + -is now available on a trial basis.

Yes, it's made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits. Hence the name, VGF!

It contains 7 nutrient classes:

Amino Acids
Essential Fatty Acids
Micro AND Macro Vitamins and Minerals

Again, what's really cool is you can try Prograde's VGF 25+ for FREE! (There's just a small S & H charge)

Ok, gotta run. Talk to you soon.

Yours in health,


PS - You can see all the natural ingredients they use to make VGF 25+ at http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde.com/vgf25-free-trial.html

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Brian Cannone's Fitness Atlantic held April 24, 2010 in East Haven, Connecticut offers Fitness, Figure, Bikini, Model and Bodybuilding Championships.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Personal Trainer Devon Pollard

Superset Ab Workout

Happy Thanksgiving

It's been a great year here at FitnessAtlantic.com. And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that success. This week being Thanksgiving I want to make sure I'm showing you how grateful I am.

But before I do...

Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food this Thursday. You know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-) And I know you're going to get a good workout in on Thursday before you chow down, right?

Now, besides that, I also want to remind you one thing you do NOT want to do on Thursday is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with one big one. That's a no-no.

You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism with a solid breakfast. So to help you out with that I've got a gift for you from me and my buddies over at Prograde Nutrition. It's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.

Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and give your metabolism just the boost it needs.

Follow this link for the recipe:

Be sure to let me know how you like it.

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS - Seriously, have a nutritious breakfast this Thursday and your body will thank your for it on Friday. ;-)
http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde. com/prograde-pancake-recipe. html

PSS - Mark your calendar for April 24, 2010 for the FitnessAtlantic.com Championships at East Haven Performing Arts Center. This is going to be one of the best shows ever.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Building Careers

Everything in our world is constantly changing and the people who embrace change are the people who find long-term success. The people who don’t embrace change will eventually become extinct. The fitness world is no different.

Last month I announced that my fitness event will be run non-sanctioned by a membership federation. Fitness Atlantic has been and always will be committed to being the best and most progressive fitness show in North America. As president of Fitness Atlantic and a leader in the fitness industry I feel it is time for a revolution of our industry, a change of mentality among promoters that benefits the most important person in the fitness competition, YOU the competitor. I stated one month ago Fitness Atlantic was committed to the personal success of the competitors more than any federation in North America and I truly mean that.

The politics of our industry is something that is rarely talked about on a public forum. These discussions usually take place behind closed doors or secretly backstage among competitors. Historically the promoter-competitor relationships have been volatile for various reasons. As a former competitor and active promoter I am aware of the unfair demands, unreasonable restrictions, and uncomfortable pressures that are often put upon competitor’s career and only favor the promoter monetarily. Having been a competitive bodybuilder and placed in these exact scenarios numerous times throughout my career, and enduring times in my life where I despised a sport I loved so much due to unfair practices by promoters, I made a commitment to myself the day I formed Fitness Atlantic, I would never put a Fitness Atlantic competitor in any similar situation. I was determined to never have the negative stigma so many promoters have earned and many rightfully so attached to my name or my company’s name.

I feel over the 11-year history of Fitness Atlantic I have lived up to my commitment. The most important element in building a reputation good or bad is word-of-mouth. I am confident the reputation of Fitness Atlantic and Brian Cannone among competitors is a reputation I can be proud of. Fitness Atlantic has been and will always be about you the competitor.

Please do not judge Fitness Atlantic or myself by my words. Please judge us by our actions. As the most progressive fitness event in North America I want to be the first promoter in the fitness industry to encourage competitors to compete outside of Fitness Atlantic. I want every competitor to realize Fitness Atlantic is committed to building careers. I want to see Fitness Atlantic athletes gain maximum exposure on the stages of Matt Johnson’s INBF New York, Robert Fulton’s INBF Connecticut, Montanari Brother’s NPC Grand Prix, Laura Turlelot’s NGA, and Kevin Topka’s BNLPA, and any federation that will not tie you into a contract or penalize you for entering other events. The days of promoters controlling competitors for personal gain at the expense of the athlete need to be over. A new era of promoters working with competitors building careers has arrived and Brian Cannone and FitnessAtlantic.com are leading the way.

Fitness Atlantic has earned its position by bringing the industries best competitors to its stage for the best event of the year, the Fitness Atlantic Championships. While competition has been and always will be the lifeblood of our fitness industry Fitness Atlantic is expanding into venues all for the benefit of the competitors. To set the standard as the premiere fitness company in North America Fitness Atlantic must look beyond the scope of traditional competition. As president of this great company what I want is the most passionate and driven competitors to be part of Fitness Atlantic’s newest ventures.
The Fitness Atlantic vision encompasses eBooks, e-Courses, DVDs, internet TV and various other fitness related products all based on the individual personality of the competitor. I want the phone of Fitness Atlantic ringing off the hook and our mailbox full with everyone asking the same questions, “How can I create my own fitness DVD?”, “How can I publish a fitness eBook?”, “How can I be on internet TV?”, and the most important question, “How do I further my fitness career?”. I want your face, your feelings, your emotions; your personal story to be the heartbeat of the Fitness Atlantic brand. If your desire is beyond the stage and catapulting your fitness career to new heights, creating products and a persona unique to you, Fitness Atlantic is the place to be.

It all begins with you the competitor, if you have the desire and dedication Fitness Atlantic can make dreams a reality.

Everything in our world is constantly changing. The days of promoters controlling talent are over and were something I personally never felt comfortable with. The traditional competitor relationship is passe. Fitness Atlantic is committed to building and supporting each and every competitor’s career placing no limits on their ability to succeed in this great industry. I say this with pure conviction No Federation is committed to you the competitor and your career like Fitness Atlantic. With all the new ventures from Fitness Atlantic in 2010 I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and how we can build your career together.

Thank You,

Brian Cannone


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Modern Bodybuilding

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lean Hybrid Muscle

I have to admit that when I first heard my buddies Elliott and Mike preaching about a Type III muscle fiber and how you can build muscle and burn fat at the same time, I was pretty skeptical.

I’m a “go to guy” in the fitness industry and hadn’t heard a lot about this concept, so naturally I had to check out the controversy.

After seeing the results of their “experiment”, I’m convinced that what they’re sharing makes some serious sense.

If you’re sick of bulking up just go get fat, or cutting down just to wind up losing a ton of hard earned muscle than you should seriously take a look at their new Lean Hybrid Muscle system.

http://www.tinyurl.com/leanhybrid <<<< 50% Off Early Link

It’s not available to the general public until the 15th, but they gave me an early link to share with you.

Look, you should know me well enough by now to know I’m not interested in “twisting your arm” to recommend something. Either you think this is right for you or you don’t. Either way is OK.

What I’m doing is giving you a head start to check this out before it’s released to the public. This way you get a shot at some of the really cool presale bonuses that they’ve lined up during the event.

http://www.tinyurl.com/leanhybrid <<<< Limited Presale Bonuses

Oh, one more thing. Below is one of my favorite articles that really helped me grasp this, “hybrid training style”.

Stay fit,

Brian Cannone

Build Muscle & Burn Fat At The Same Time?
by LeanHybridMuscle.com

The most common strategy most people employ for packing on muscle mass, and then leaning out, is through “bulking and cutting.” The problem though is that it doesn’t always work.

The most common scenario is that you put on more weight than you want so you get “fat,” and then jump into endless cardio only to lose a lot of the hard-earned muscle that you built. So, for a lot of guys the choice seems to be between being strong and fat or weak and lean.

I’m here to tell you with absolute certainty that this doesn’t have to be the case. You don’t have to choose between being really strong and a bit plump or being really lean and kind of weak with little muscle definition.

I’m going to let you in on a secret—it’s an unconventional approach that runs contrary to ordinary training philosophies. To build the body you want, you need to build muscle and burn fat at the same time in order to achieve that goal of having a ripped, muscular physique.

The way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time is through incorporating both aerobic and anaerobic activity not just in the same training session but in the same exercise.

By combining resistance weight training with cardio training in the same set, we force the thicker stronger Type-II (fast twitch) muscle fibers to behave more like Type-I (slow twitch) fibers.

By utilizing both types of muscle fibers in the same exercise we can actually build a “HYBRID” Type-IIC muscle fiber that has been nicknamed a Type-III.

Now why would you want a Type-III hybrid muscle fiber?

This reconfigured super muscle has more mitochondrial density which means more nutrients can be processed giving these Type-III muscle fibers a greater capacity to grow bigger and resist fatigue for longer periods.

This style of training mimics the way that our ancestors used to live. They didn’t train with weights one day and run laps the next. No. The kinds of activities they did every day would have been very much like the hybrid training we’re talking about.

Our ancestors were both muscular and lean and it didn’t result from things they set out intentionally to do but rather, it was a natural byproduct of the way they lived their lives.

They were able to both build muscle and burn fat at the same time without even having to consciously think about. By adopting some of the very same training principles that they employed, modern man can achieve the same results.

To discover how you can tap into your hybrid muscle fibers in order to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously go here now.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2 Little Known Fat Burning Facts

Carbs, carbs, carbs. That's what everyone seems to want to talk about. How do I avoid carbs?

Well, what you should be talking about instead is, "How do I get more lean Protein into my eating plan?"

Now THAT is the right question.

You see, Protein is where it's at. Check out these two little known facts about protein:

1) Protein requires more calories to digest than carbs or fat. This is called the "thermic effect of food." In other words, your body uses more calories to digest protein than other nutrients. Pretty sneaky, huh?

2) Protein provides satiety. That's a fancy way of saying you feel fuller for longer when you eat protein ;-)

Good sources of Lean Protein come from foods such as:

Fish, eggs, poultry, lean beef...

But some people have trouble eating enough protein each day. Some people would like it to be more convenient for them.

If that's the case with you then I have VERY good news. And it's news I've been waiting to tell you for some time now.

My buddies over at Prograde Nutrition have finally released their pharmaceutical quality whey protein.

You see, not all Protein powders are created equal. Prograde Protein:

- Delivers unparalled purity through low-temperature mirco-filtering

- Is naturally sweetened with Stevia

- Contains 5.3 grams of branch chained amino acids per serving

- Mixes instantly with just a spoon

- Enhances absorption and digestion via lactase and Aminogen digestive enzyymes

Look, I've been waiting patiently for Prograde Protein to come out. But as usual, Prograde just would NOT release this product until they could get it as close to perfect as possible.

The best part is they are putting it on sale this week to celebrate it's launch. You can get it at 10% off this week ONLY. Just go to http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde.com/protein-powder.html and you'll find all the details. Including the coupon code to use when you order to get the 10% off your order.

But you need to hurry. For one thing, the special price ends this Friday, November 13th at 11:59pm EST. The other thing is, well, I cannot begin to tell you how highly anticipated Prograde Protein has been. There's a very good chance they'll be out of stock well before Friday even gets here!

So get yours NOW.

Yours in health,

Brian Cannone

PS - Prograde Protein is NOT just some run of the mill protein powder you can find anywhere. They've really hit a home run with this one.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Subject: Do NOT Fall For This Scam

You can't really miss it on the Internet these days.
Seems like everywhere you look there's another company promoting the nutritious Acai Berry as a weight loss miracle. 

And that's why I thought it was critical to write you today. We want to make sure you know our opinion on the subject. 

First, you know better than to believe you're going to pop some pills - ANY pills - and have the pounds and inches melt off like magic.

If you've been listening to any fitness expert for any length of time you know true fat loss comes from a variety of factors, including exercise and proper nutrition.

Second, any fitness expert worth their fees will tell you that any diet that promotes you eat any one food all day long and then eat a sensible dinner, well, don't bother. Yes, you will lose some weight short-term, but as soon as you go back to your old eating habits - and you know you will - you know exactly what happens. 

Third, the Acai Berry contains VERY powerful antioxidants and it is getting a lot of good press for that very reason. Yes, antioxidants as in the extraordinary nutrients that help fight the free radicals associated with aging, cancer risk and other degenerative diseases. 

And while on the subject, I wanted to fill you in on something that has recently come to light. Did you know that coffee berries (the berry that covers the coffee bean) is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet? It's something researchers have discovered in recent years. 

What's really cool is my friends at Prograde Nutrition have created an amazing Whole Foods based Anti-Aging formula called Prograde Longevity that includes both Acai Berry and Coffee Berry.

Oh, and it also utilizes Green Tea, Pomegranate, Wolf Berry and Biovin Grape (Red Wine extract.)

Just to give you an idea of how powerful this formula is, well, you'd have to eat an entire POUND of raspberries to get the same ORAC value. And in case you're not familiar with the term, ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. 

The best part is you can now try Prograde Longevity for free! You simply pay a tiny shipping and handling fee. Just go to http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde.com/longevity-free-trial.html to order your FREE bottle today.

But you really do need to hurry. I'm not sure how long they're going to be able to make such an incredible FREE offer.

Yours in health,


PS - Remember, Prograde Longevity http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde.com/longevity-free-trial.html is NOT some silly weight loss pill. It is a powerful combination of anti-oxidants specifically designed to give you extraordinary protection against dangerous Free Radicals.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jeff Beckham 2009

Natural Bodybuilder Jeff Beckham

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hugh Ross Competes in Mr. Universe 2009

Majestic Ross cops 3rd at NABBA Mr. Universe in England

October 29, 2009 | By KNews | Filed Under Sports
Crowd shows displeasure, felt he should have won
By Franklin Wilson

Guyana’s most decorated Bodybuilder Hugh Arlington Ross competing for the USA at the NABBA Mr. Universe held in England last weekend, placed third out of 22 World Champions at the prestigious event held at the Southport Theatre & Floral Hall Complex.
Of the four athletes who were selected to represent the USA at the event, Ross was the only one to make it to the finals, only three attended, the other was sidelined by injury.
Speaking with Kaieteur sport, Ross, who endured quite a bit of challenges during preparation including a death in the family, said 47 countries were represented at the event and the result is a very good one for him despite the crowd vociferously opposing the fact that he was placed third rather than first.
Competing in the Masters category, Ross noted that when he finally saw his competitors backstage at the prejudging, he had to ask a few of them if they were sure they were in the Masters division, alluding to their well chiseled and huge physiques.
“They all seem well prepared hence I immediately knew I had quite a fight on my hand for which I was also well prepared. I tried a different carbohydrate loading method this time around which worked well but perhaps I should have started it a few hours earlier to cater for the five hours difference in time between the US & the UK. The result was that I was a few pounds lighter than the goal I had in mind.”
The former USA Powerlifting champion disclosed that the prejudging was extremely tough and he was very exhausted after that, he had to return to the hotel to sleep while continuing his carbohydrate loading until the finals.
“Seemingly I was an audience favorite hence when I was announced in third they were very vocal in their dissatisfaction.”
But as a good sportsman Ross said he respected the final decision which saw him finishing behind winner Aivars Visockis of Latvia and Sam Ioannidis of Australia.
Davis Steele and Derek Jones both of the UK finished 4th and 5th respectively while Brazil’s Luiz Flavio Felicio took the 6th position.
Ross, who has since returned to the USA and has resumed training since there is a strong possibility that he would have to be on stage again very shortly, is expressing his deepest gratitude to all his supporters an fans.
He singled out for special mention, former Guyana Defence Force Capt. Chetwyn Eastman and family, who reside in England.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery

INBF New York Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 3

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 4

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships Poughkeepsie, NY

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 5

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What the Pro's Know that you might not...

Here's what the pro's know that you might not...

You see, "stage competing" bodybuilders and other professional athletes train all year long for their "event season".

That could mean a stage posedown or it might be Olympic tryouts.

EVERYTHING they do is geared to peaking out at that one time when they have to be at their very BEST!

So how does this apply to you?

Well, what's YOUR "big event" for the year?

Is it the time you'll spend at the beach next summer?

Is it some sporting event you want to dominate?

Is it a class reunion you have planned that you'd like to show the dumb jocks who picked on you in high school that you could pulverize them with your pinky if you wanted to?

Whatever it is, the key to getting MAXIMUM RESULTS from your training program is to...

...CYCLE your training!

There are plenty of ways to do this, but if your goal is to "look your best" for the summer (what 95% of guys are focused on), then here's a sample ANNUAL TRAINING CYCLE sample that will help you plan a year's worth of training...

...and help you decide what to do RIGHT NOW!


How To Cycle Your Training For Max Results!



Jan – Mar:


Getting lean for a summer "beach body" should start EARLY to maintain as much muscle mass as possible when you show off your six pack.

In January, you're best off with a "build & burn" training regimen that STILL focuses on "muscle-building", but is also geared toward naturally boosting hormones that do double duty by building muscle while burning fat at the same time.


Apr – Aug:


To get (and STAY!) “super lean” through the summer, ease into “fat burning” mode EARLY to avoid muscle loss that often occurs when trying to get to low body fat levels too fast..

You can still build muscle...but it’s NOT your primary focus if you want to get to very low body fat levels.

Don’t abandon the weights, but stay with higher volume sets and lighter weights and include more low-intensity cardio to preserve muscle while burning fat.


Sep – Dec:


Don’t freak out about your waistline!

The end of year is the best time to focus on building up more muscle mass for “next year” so you can continuously improve your body composition and have more lean muscle to show when you strip off the fat again for next summer!

Also, this is the VERY BEST time to include a “muscle specialization” program to add more mass to the one or two areas you most need the size.


What You Should Be Doing RIGHT NOW...


Obviously, since it's now October, you're at the PERFECT POINT to add more muscle mass to your body before gearing up next year for the big "lean out".

And since this is the BEST time to zero in on one single muscle, NOW is the time to assess WHICH area of your body needs the most work, right?

Go ahead and take a good long look in the mirror and see where you may be "out of balance" with how your body looks.

==> Is it your CHEST?

==> ARMS too skinny?

==> SHOULDERS look scrawny?

Whatever it is, you'll want to FOCUS on this area to divert your body's mass-building efforts to that region.

Now you CAN'T just take off and blast that muscle group with a gut-wrenching program that forces you into a state of "overtraining".

This can actually STOP your progress and you can even LOSE MUSCLE MASS!

You have to address ALL of the "anabolic factors" necessary in order to support your body's NATURAL growth efforts to the muscle group of your choice.

That's why I've been recommending Jeff Anderson's new "Muscle Specialization Secrets" program at:


==> http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=5


Its entire aim is to help you bring up ANY muscle group to add more SIZE and bring it up to "showcase" level!

The whole program includes

...Printed Manual

...Full Length DVD

...Bonus VIDEOS For Each Muscle Group


...Exercise Guide

..."Tracking Software"

It's really a "mega-package" that can help you bring up lagging body parts FAST!

I highly recommend you go and check it out NOW because he only had 500 boxes created and he's NOT going to producing any more.

When they're gone...they're gone for good!

Again, here's the website to go and learn more...


==> http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=5



Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Truth about ABS

I know what you're thinking...

You're expecting me to say that the "reality" about getting a
6-pack is to "burn off the fat", right?

You want to tell me that you "already HAVE a 6-pack" but it's
just covered with a layer of blubber, eh?

Sure, that's what ALL of the guru's say, and it's TRUE...


You see, too many people have put in all the "hard work" to get
to single digit body fat levels only to find that when the fat
is gone...

...their abs are still FLAT AS A PANCAKE!

============================== ==

So here's the REAL TRUTH about ABS...

============================== ==

You actually have to HAVE "muscle" on your abs in order to
achieve that killer "ripped" look!

Plus, here's one more little "unknown" that will make getting
a 6-pack EASIER...

You see, the amount of muscle you have on your abs will
determine whether you start seeing your "pack" poke through
at 10% body fat or 6% body fat.

And TRUST ME...there's a WORLD of difference in that 4% gap,
as anyone who's ever tried to "diet down" to single digit body
fat levels will tell you!

As far as I'm concerned, if I can look great at 10% body fat
because my abs have more muscle and are more defined, then all
the better...easier abs!

So you have to TRAIN your abs hard in the gym, just like ANY
other muscle!

============================== ==

So how SHOULD you train your abs?

============================== ==

Well, if you haven't seen this yet, my friend, Jeff Anderson,
has been holding a DAILY contest asking people to post THERE
best training secrets for each muscle group.

It's a "private access" blog you can gain access to at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Click Now For The Password

Jeff's been asking for all of YOUR best training tips for each
muscle group...

...and he's giving away $100 every night on a "LIVE MUSCLE TV
SHOW" for one lucky poster.

Today's topic is "ARMS TRAINING" and all you have to do to
share your own "secrets" is go and post a comment in the blog at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Post A "Tip" On The Private Blog

While you're there, read the OTHER tips that are available.

(So far, Jeff's covered "Chest", "Back", "Legs", "Shoulders",
and last night was
"Abs Training".)

There are now over 600 TRAINING TIPS waiting for you.

Here's a "3-Tip Sample" of some great posts pulled out of

============================== =======

ABS Training Tip # 6 from Trever

============================== =======

"Hanging leg raises with a twist -

Bring your legs up past eye level ( if you can) lower them half
way down ( straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor).

Then bring your knees to your chest and twist them side to side
a couple of times.

Extend your legs out again and slowly let them all the way down.

Do as many reps as possible...rest...then repeat for 1-2 more sets."

============================== =======

Combo Training Tip #21 from David

============================== =======

"Use a lighter weight plate when doing weighted crunches, but
hold it over head as if doing a dumbbell pull-over.

This creates more tension so it's equivalent to higher weights.

However, as you go to failure, you can bring the weight closer
by bending your arms, reducing the tension.

Keep doing this until the weight is over your chest.

In effect, this is a drop set, but doesn't involve changing
weights, making it more convenient."

============================== =======

Rear Delts Training Tip #33 from Cal!

(Call actually WON the $100 random drawing LAST night!)

============================== =======

"This circuit is 75 reps (or other desired #) and should be
repeated 4 to 5 times. I normally do this circuit 1-2 times per week.

Grab a 45 lb olympic plate.

Lay with back on the ground, with knees bent 90 degrees and feet
on the ground.

Grab the 45 lb plate and hold above you, like extended in bench
press position.

Keeping arms locked out, do 25 crunches (envision yourself
trying to touch the 45 lb plate to the ceiling).

When done with those 25 reps, DO NOT DROP THE WEIGHT DOWN.

Simple raise your feet off the ground, keeping your knees bent at
90 degrees. Again, do 25 crunches. Again, DO NOT DROP THE WEIGHT.

Now fully extend your legs, straight into the air so that your
body is now in a 90 degree position.

Again, do another 25 crunches.

After finishing those 25 reps, NOW YOU DROP THE WEIGHT.

You will feel a lot of burn in your abs when finishing these.
Turn over onto your stomach and stretch for 30 sec to a minute.

Take no longer than 90 seconds rest between circuits.

These are sure to add some mass to your abs, to give them that
"POP", to give you more than just a "flat stomach"

============================== =======

Now it's YOUR TURN to throw your ARMS TRAINING TIP into the
"secrets pile"!

Go NOW and post your OWN to the list in the V.I.P. blog at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Post Your ARMS TIP

...and get ready for tonight's "Muscle TV Show" to see if
Jeff calls your name as the winner!

Good luck!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

crossfit usa

Friday, September 25, 2009


old school

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fitness Atlantic 2009 Model Women Award

Fitness Modeling Event

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sexy Model!! Alicia Marie

Alicia Marie, Mandy and Lindsay Messina


Friday, August 7, 2009

Fitness Atlantic main show

Opening Number

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fitness Universe

Brian and Mo at the Big Smoke

Fitness America Weekend 2008 Vegas

Musclemania Superbody

As expected, the heralded Musclemania Professionals were geared to rock the house at MM Universe. And, everyone expected 2x Champion Jeffrey Beckham to sweep the title again. With his dominating 6'2", 230 lbs. physique, it would take an equally massive or uniquely shaped bodybuilder to knock Jeff off his throne. And, this would be the year where Jeff met his match from an unsuspecting foe. Going to head-to-head was David Lovelace who weighed 30 lbs. lighter but was ripped, symmetrical and packed a powerful physique. The Ft. Lauderdale personal trainer did not crack the Top 5 at the '08 MM Pro World in Las Vegas, but brought to Miami a completely new look. "I followed a

new diet keeping higher protein intake and a lot more cardio for the past 5 months. It really made a difference. I actually added muscle while preparing for the contest," said David following the show. Chasing Jeff was first time MM Pro Bill Simpson , a San Francisco personal trainer who weighs only 180 lbs. but outclasses his competition with incredible classic symmetry and condition. Bill has appeared in numerous magazine ad campaigns and popular with commercial photographers. David has been competing for nearly 10 years and works for Bally's Health & Fitness. Jeff trains in Brooklyn, New York, and has been a dominating force on the MM World Tour since becoming a Pro three years ago.