Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Most Critical Part Of Your Workout

Dear Fellow Athlete,

Ok, so you're working your butt off. You're sweating. You're hustling. You're getting that exercise "high." Heck, not only are you now enjoying your workouts, but you want to learn more about how to make them more effective.

That's great!

It never ceases to amaze me how most people don't give their bodies a second thought. They think they just go to the gym...walk on the treadmill...throw some weights around...go home and eat whatever...

Seriously, the human body is the most complicated piece of machinery on the planet. Do they really think there's ZERO science behind exercise? Do they really think they can just eat whatever is in their fridge after working their butts off?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it drives me a little crazy when people look at fitness as nothing more than guesswork. Actually, it's a little infuriating.

Take post-workout nutrition, for example. Does it make sense that there be an OPTIMAL way to fuel your body after all the demands you make of it during your training session? Of course it does!

Bottom line: Recent studies have shown that a carbohydrate AND protein formula is more effective for rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen after exercise than a carbohydrate only supplement of equal carbohydrate or caloric content.

In other words, just drinking a "sports drink" after your workout doesn't cut it. The research indicates you need to fuel your body with just the right combo of carbs AND protein. And yes, this is hyper-critical to optimizing your efforts.

Here's two more things you need to know about getting the most bang for your workout buck:

1) As a proud Prograde Partner I'm thrilled to let you know that Prograde Workout is now available on a FREE trial basis. There's just a small S & H fee.

2) On the link below you can also learn more about the research study on post-workout nutrition.

Yes, Prograde Workout recovery drink is based on this very research. It provides the right combo of protein and carbs that your body craves after a tough training session.

Just click this special link right here and find out for yourself how you can try it for FREE:


Yours in health,

Brian Cannone

PS - If you want to optimize your efforts then you owe it to yourself to try Prograde Workout and see the results for yourself.
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