Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It's been a great year here at And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that success. This week being Thanksgiving I want to make sure I'm showing you how grateful I am.

But before I do...

Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food this Thursday. You know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-) And I know you're going to get a good workout in on Thursday before you chow down, right?

Now, besides that, I also want to remind you one thing you do NOT want to do on Thursday is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with one big one. That's a no-no.

You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism with a solid breakfast. So to help you out with that I've got a gift for you from me and my buddies over at Prograde Nutrition. It's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.

Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and give your metabolism just the boost it needs.

Follow this link for the recipe:

Be sure to let me know how you like it.

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS - Seriously, have a nutritious breakfast this Thursday and your body will thank your for it on Friday. ;-)
http://fitnessatlantic.getprograde. com/prograde-pancake-recipe. html

PSS - Mark your calendar for April 24, 2010 for the Championships at East Haven Performing Arts Center. This is going to be one of the best shows ever.
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