Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do you call yourself a "HARDGAINER"?

Do you call yourself a "HARDGAINER"?

If you do, then I have a free gift that's going to be a HUGE RELIEF
to some of you...

You see, the author of this free report (and MP3!) is a friend of
mine (Jeff Anderson, aka - the "Muscle Nerd")
and he's known for saying what's on his mind.

But THIS TIME...he may have stepped over the line!

First, here's the link over to a free MP3 and ebook...

http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=9 <= Click

Now the story...

For the last 6 years, Jeff's been dedicating much of his research
to studying the "ECTOMORPH".

These are the reaaaaaaaally skinny guys who no matter how hard they
try, just can't seem to put on any muscle. (Does this sound like YOU?)

So far, the typical advice found online can be reduced to something
along the lines of...

..."You're not TRAINING hard enough!"; or

..."You're not EATING enough!"

But Jeff has drawn a line in the sand and is CHALLENGING all of
this "expert advice" by releasing his

latest findings based upon a recent experiment he's called...

..."Hardgainer Project X"!

This experiment took 6 "hardgainers" who had a difficult time
putting on muscle and put them through

a brand new 3-STEP TRAINING PROGRAM Jeff specifically designed for
the "ectomorph" body type.


** See The 6 "Human Lab Rats" At:

http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=9 <= Click


You'll see that there's a mix of real scrawny dudes and also one
with a common "hardgainer problem"

that comes from trying to build muscle the WRONG way (and the way
that MOST fitness articles will

tell you)...


(You'd be surprised how many guys fit into this category after
trying to stuff themselves like pigs

in order to gain weight!)

No...this is NOT your typical bodybuilding program!

In fact, the SKINNIER the test subject, the BETTER the program
seemed to work!

All of the details of the program (as well as the transformations
of these skinny guys) will be open

to the public on May 19th at 12:00pm Central time.

But until then, Jeff wants to show everyone exactly WHY this
program is so far off from all the other

"skinny guy" programs out there.

So he's released a killer MP3 and eBOOK called:


** Free MP3 + eBOOK **

"The Hardgainer Curse...And What To Do About It!"

http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=9 <= Click


I highly recommend you go and check out the free report so you can
see if this fits YOUR body type or not.

If you've EVER struggled with gaining weight and building muscle,
this report will open your eyes and

give you a sense of RELIEF that it's NOT because you weren't
training ENOUGH...

...it's because you were training WRONG!

Brian Cannone

P.S. - One more thing...as part of the launch, Jeff has promised to
throw in some cool swag for all

who sign up for the program on the first day!

Grab the free report so you don't miss out on the free stuff, ok?

Here's the site again...

http://www.musclenerdfitness.com/go.php?offer=beyondfit&pid=9 <= Click
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