Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Can I Help You

Everything in our world is constantly changing and the people who embrace change are the people who find long-term success. The people who don't embrace change will eventually become extinct. The fitness world is no different.

Fitness Atlantic has been and always will be committed to being the best and most progressive fitness show in North America. As president of Fitness Atlantic and a leader in the fitness industry I feel it is time for a revolution of our industry, a change of mentality among promoters that benefits the most important person in the fitness competition, YOU the competitor. I stated one month ago Fitness Atlantic was committed to the personal success of the competitors more than any federation in North America and I truly mean that.

The politics of our industry is something that is rarely talked about on a public forum. These discussions usually take place behind closed doors or secretly backstage among competitors. Historically the promoter-competitor relationships have been volatile for various reasons. As a former competitor and active promoter I am aware of the unfair demands, unreasonable restrictions, and uncomfortable pressures that are often put upon competitor's career and only favor the promoter monetarily with your entry fees. Having been a competitive bodybuilder and placed in these exact scenarios numerous times throughout my career, and enduring times in my life where I despised a sport I loved so much due to unfair practices by promoters, I made a commitment to myself the day I formed Fitness Atlantic, I would never put a Fitness Atlantic competitor in any similar situation. I was determined to never have the negative stigma so many promoters have earned and many rightfully so attached to my name or my company's name.

I feel over the 11-year history of Fitness Atlantic I have lived up to my commitment. The most important element in building a reputation good or bad is word-of-mouth. I am confident the reputation of Fitness Atlantic and Brian Cannone among competitors is a reputation I can be proud of. Fitness Atlantic has been and will always be about you the competitor.

Please do not judge Fitness Atlantic or myself by my words. Please judge us by our actions. As the most progressive fitness event in North America I want to be the first promoter in the fitness industry to encourage competitors to compete outside of Fitness Atlantic.
I want to see Fitness Atlantic athletes gain maximum exposure on the stages of my friend's and fellow promoters events including Matt Johnson's INBF New York, Robert Fulton's INBF Connecticut, Montanari Brother's NPC Grand Prix, Laura Turlelot's NGA, and Kevin Topka's BNLPA, and any show that will not tie you into a contract or penalize you for entering other events. If you enjoy competing and entering shows than do any and all of them you decide to do.

I want every competitor to realize Fitness Atlantic is committed to building careers. The days of promoters controlling competitors for personal gain at the expense of the athlete need to be over. A new era of promoters working with competitors building careers has arrived and Brian Cannone and are leading the way.

Fitness Atlantic has earned its position by bringing the industries best competitors to its stage for the best event of the year, the Fitness Atlantic Championships. While competition has been and always will be the lifeblood of our fitness industry Fitness Atlantic is expanding into venues all for the benefit of the competitors. To set the standard as the premiere fitness company in North America Fitness Atlantic must look beyond the scope of traditional competition. As president of this great company what I want is the most passionate and driven competitors to be part of Fitness Atlantic's newest ventures.

The Fitness Atlantic vision encompasses eBooks, e-Courses, DVDs, internet TV and various other fitness related products all based on the individual personality of the competitor. I want the phone of Fitness Atlantic ringing off the hook and our mailbox full with everyone asking the same questions, "How can I create my own fitness DVD?", "How can I publish a fitness eBook?", "How can I be on internet TV?", and the most important question, "How do I further my fitness career?". I want your face, your feelings, your emotions; your personal story to be the heartbeat of the Fitness Atlantic brand.

It all begins with you the competitor, if you have the desire and dedication Fitness Atlantic can make dreams a reality.

Everything in our world is constantly changing. The days of promoters controlling talent are over and were something I personally never felt comfortable with. The traditional competitor relationship is passe. Fitness Atlantic is committed to building and supporting each and every competitor's career placing no limits on their ability to succeed in this great industry. I say this with pure conviction No Federation is committed to you the competitor and your career like Fitness Atlantic. With all the new ventures from Fitness Atlantic in 2010 I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and how we can build your career together.

I'm very excited about some product launches in 2010 with a new book, "Stage Ready" and the e-course titled "Everything You Need to Know to Compete in a Show" each written and built around the athletes from the show.

If your desire is beyond the stage and catapulting your fitness career to new heights, creating products and a persona unique to you, Fitness Atlantic is the place to be.

Thank You,

Brian Cannone
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