Sunday, January 24, 2010

Building Your Email List

You must use a better email program to email a large list of people and you can personalize your emails with programs like aweber.

Blogging and Building a Website

Branding Yourself in Fitness Market

Affiliate Marketing

Make commissions promoting online books on your website or blog with

How Can I Help You

Everything in our world is constantly changing and the people who embrace change are the people who find long-term success. The people who don't embrace change will eventually become extinct. The fitness world is no different.

Fitness Atlantic has been and always will be committed to being the best and most progressive fitness show in North America. As president of Fitness Atlantic and a leader in the fitness industry I feel it is time for a revolution of our industry, a change of mentality among promoters that benefits the most important person in the fitness competition, YOU the competitor. I stated one month ago Fitness Atlantic was committed to the personal success of the competitors more than any federation in North America and I truly mean that.

The politics of our industry is something that is rarely talked about on a public forum. These discussions usually take place behind closed doors or secretly backstage among competitors. Historically the promoter-competitor relationships have been volatile for various reasons. As a former competitor and active promoter I am aware of the unfair demands, unreasonable restrictions, and uncomfortable pressures that are often put upon competitor's career and only favor the promoter monetarily with your entry fees. Having been a competitive bodybuilder and placed in these exact scenarios numerous times throughout my career, and enduring times in my life where I despised a sport I loved so much due to unfair practices by promoters, I made a commitment to myself the day I formed Fitness Atlantic, I would never put a Fitness Atlantic competitor in any similar situation. I was determined to never have the negative stigma so many promoters have earned and many rightfully so attached to my name or my company's name.

I feel over the 11-year history of Fitness Atlantic I have lived up to my commitment. The most important element in building a reputation good or bad is word-of-mouth. I am confident the reputation of Fitness Atlantic and Brian Cannone among competitors is a reputation I can be proud of. Fitness Atlantic has been and will always be about you the competitor.

Please do not judge Fitness Atlantic or myself by my words. Please judge us by our actions. As the most progressive fitness event in North America I want to be the first promoter in the fitness industry to encourage competitors to compete outside of Fitness Atlantic.
I want to see Fitness Atlantic athletes gain maximum exposure on the stages of my friend's and fellow promoters events including Matt Johnson's INBF New York, Robert Fulton's INBF Connecticut, Montanari Brother's NPC Grand Prix, Laura Turlelot's NGA, and Kevin Topka's BNLPA, and any show that will not tie you into a contract or penalize you for entering other events. If you enjoy competing and entering shows than do any and all of them you decide to do.

I want every competitor to realize Fitness Atlantic is committed to building careers. The days of promoters controlling competitors for personal gain at the expense of the athlete need to be over. A new era of promoters working with competitors building careers has arrived and Brian Cannone and are leading the way.

Fitness Atlantic has earned its position by bringing the industries best competitors to its stage for the best event of the year, the Fitness Atlantic Championships. While competition has been and always will be the lifeblood of our fitness industry Fitness Atlantic is expanding into venues all for the benefit of the competitors. To set the standard as the premiere fitness company in North America Fitness Atlantic must look beyond the scope of traditional competition. As president of this great company what I want is the most passionate and driven competitors to be part of Fitness Atlantic's newest ventures.

The Fitness Atlantic vision encompasses eBooks, e-Courses, DVDs, internet TV and various other fitness related products all based on the individual personality of the competitor. I want the phone of Fitness Atlantic ringing off the hook and our mailbox full with everyone asking the same questions, "How can I create my own fitness DVD?", "How can I publish a fitness eBook?", "How can I be on internet TV?", and the most important question, "How do I further my fitness career?". I want your face, your feelings, your emotions; your personal story to be the heartbeat of the Fitness Atlantic brand.

It all begins with you the competitor, if you have the desire and dedication Fitness Atlantic can make dreams a reality.

Everything in our world is constantly changing. The days of promoters controlling talent are over and were something I personally never felt comfortable with. The traditional competitor relationship is passe. Fitness Atlantic is committed to building and supporting each and every competitor's career placing no limits on their ability to succeed in this great industry. I say this with pure conviction No Federation is committed to you the competitor and your career like Fitness Atlantic. With all the new ventures from Fitness Atlantic in 2010 I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and how we can build your career together.

I'm very excited about some product launches in 2010 with a new book, "Stage Ready" and the e-course titled "Everything You Need to Know to Compete in a Show" each written and built around the athletes from the show.

If your desire is beyond the stage and catapulting your fitness career to new heights, creating products and a persona unique to you, Fitness Atlantic is the place to be.

Thank You,

Brian Cannone

Brian Cannone's Fitness Atlantic

Dear Fellow Athlete,

As president of the Championships I cannot tell you how excited I am for this year's event. This is going to be a year that will offer great opportunities for the athletes! First I would like to thank all of the current athletes and spectators and anyone that has supported me and my event over the years. is a childhood dream I had envisioned and because of you and guidance from many important people that dream has become a reality.

Every child has a dream and someone or something emotionally affects all kids. Some kids take a liking to baseball, football, golf or tennis and a even smaller percentage of kids might find a hero they admire in their chosen sport. However, over the years they may think they have found a profound love soon realize it was simply nothing more than an intense liking that has faded as the years pass. Only a select few are privileged enough to find their passion in life. Today I feel honored to be able to say my passion is, was, and always will be the fitness industry.

When I was young I lifted weights with my father and in 1991 with guidance from Mr. Connecticut Claudio Mancuso I began training for my first bodybuilding competition. I competed in a variety of different organizations (AAU, NPC, ANBC, MM) and as the years passed my desire for the sport evolved from competition to promotion. I was determined to learn all facets of our sport. In 1993 with help from a good friend Fred Yale I promoted my first show and that's when Fitness Atlantic was born.

Fitness Atlantic has been the birthplace for top stars in the bodybuilding and fitness world. I take great pride in saying Morris Mendez, Lindsay Messina, Alicia Marie, Ulisses Jr, Annette Perry and so many other incredible athletes have started their careers right here with Fitness Atlantic. Before they were on the covers of Oxygen and Muscle & Fitness Magazine, they were on the stage at Fitness Atlantic. I am proud to say they are among the best competitors in the world and even prouder to say they are my friends.

Fitness Atlantic has always been and will always be committed to producing the highest quality fitness shows, the best competitors and the most innovative website in the fitness industry. To say I am excited about the future of Fitness Atlantic is an understatement. I have enjoyed every second of the past 20 years bringing Fitness Atlantic to you and I can't wait for the next 20. This industry has been my entire life since I was 14 years old, from competing in bodybuilding shows, running gyms in Connecticut for the past 19 years, to meeting my fiance Donna a former fitness competitor who stood by me during both good times and bad. Donna, Thank You.

Everyone has a dream and Fitness Atlantic is mine. There would be no Fitness Atlantic without all of you. Thank you for making Fitness Atlantic the new standard in the world of fitness competition. I look forward to announcing some huge surprises for the athletes in 2010 and becoming the largest non-sanctioned independently produced event in North America.


Brian Cannone

Fitness Atlantic Producer

Fitness Ebooks

How to write an ebook and publish it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Delicious Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It really is very simple to take better care of yourself. A couple of different food choices during the day and you'll be well on your way to fueling your body with all the nutrients it needs.

Take, for instance, Omega-3 fatty acids. They've been all over the news for years now as a super important part of your healthy eating plan.

So what are some delicious sources of Omega-3s?

1) Salmon is probably the most well-known choice. But hey, if you don't like salmon then some other choices of fish would be Mackeral, Tuna, Snapper or Sardines.

2) Walnuts are another top pick. These are perfect for a snack you can bring with you just about anywhere.

3) Essential Fatty Acid supplements are also a valid choice. Yes, you want to be eating whole foods and fueling your body with nature's best. But a high quality EFA supplement can be a great addition to your healthy eating plan.

And as a proud Prograde partner I recommend their EFA Icon product. It's extremely high quality and they are about the only supplement company on the planet I truly trust.

Best part is they are having a sale on EFA Icon that runs until 11:57pm EST on Friday, January 22nd. So yes, its' just about over!

So if you want to save 10.10% on this awesome product then be sure to visit RIGHT NOW.

Yours in health,


PS - Again, Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon product is super high quality and you can save 10.10% on it if you order right away. The sale is almost over!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

April 17, 2010 Fitness Atlantic Championship

Why you should do Fitness Atlantic April 17, 2010

1. Bikini, Figure, Muscle, Fitness, & Model WBFF Pro Qualifier

2. All women get to perform in the Opening Number

3. Topher Despres and he is attending as the Official Talent Manager

4. Two Judging Panels (8 Bodybuilding/Figure & 6 Fitness/Bikini/Model)

5. Five Professional Photographers Lined Up

6. Goodie Bags

7. Status Magazine Coverage

8. A Sell-Out Crowd with a Large Venue (2,000 Spectators between Prelims and Finals)

9. A fantastic and fun staff and a show that is Super Organized

10. A Real 12th Year Anniversary from the creator and producer Brian Cannone

Fitness Atlantic Location and Schedule

Entry Form Download -

Host Hotel -
Holiday Inn - North Haven

201 Washington Avenue

North Haven, CT 06473
Phone: 203.239.4225

Check In Time: 3 PM

Check Out Time: 11 AM


Meetings -
Friday April 16, 2010
Urine Testing for bodybuilders - 9:00am - 6:00pm Holiday Inn North Haven, CT

Friday April 16, 2010
Registration 9:00am - 6:00pm - Holiday Inn North Haven, CT

Friday, April 16, 2010
Opening Number Rehearsal 7:00pm - Holiday Inn North Haven, CT

Tanning services will be available at the hotel on Friday 9AM -11PM.

Contest Venue:
East Haven Performing Arts Center
35 Wheelbarrow Lane
East Haven, CT 06512

Fitness, Bikini, and Model Prelims
9:00am - 1:00pm

Figure and Bodybuilding Prelims
1:00pm - 3:00pm

All Finals
6:00pm - 10:30pm

Event Producer:
Brian Cannone


Prograde Nutrition's "Do Something Different This January" Special

So it's already January 19th. My hope is you're still right on track with your fitness goals for 2010. One of the things I know helps is to take a different approach than most people do. Let me explain:

You see, most people I come across...well, they want to look better naked. Hey, nothing wrong with that. But when that is the only motivation it does nothing but leave people frustrated, unfulfilled and right back where they started. It just does.

However, when the goal is to take better care of yourself for overall health and well-being, that's when people see lasting results. It's when they make real changes to their lives.
Now, I love being a Prograde partner because they believe the same things I do. And that's the reason for their "Do Something Different This January" Special. To celebrate 2010 and to motivate you to look for more from fitness than just to fit into your "skinny jeans" again, they are putting their power-packed EFA Icon on sale this week at 10.10% off. Yes, that means 11%. ;-)

And I'm not kidding when I tell you it's potent. Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon may help you:
Protect Your Heart
Improve Your Memory

Strengthen Your Immune System

Reduce Joint Pain
Reduce PMS Symptoms

Aid Fat Loss
But seriously, don't take my word for it. Discover all the research behind this extraordinarily power-packed Prograde product for yourself. It's all right here:
On that page you'll also find all the details on how to save the 10.10%. But it all ends this Friday at 11:57pm EST so be sure to act NOW before you forget.

Yours in health,


PS - Again, this special chance to do something different this January expires on Friday, January 22nd at 11:57pm EST. Be sure to order your supply of Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon at 10.10% off before it's too late.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fitness Atlantic

Brian Cannone's Fitness Atlantic held April 17, 2010 is now a WBFF World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Professional Qualifier which offers Over $100,000 in Cash and Prizes

Fitness Atlantic Joining Forces with WBFF

Fitness Atlantic has joined forces with a federation in which the overall winners from Fitness Atlantic 2010 get to turn Professional and compete for cash, prizes and exposure in the fitness industry with magazines and photographers.

Read this post by Paul Dillett WBFF President - "The Way I see It"

There has recently been some unnecessary tension in our industry that needs to be addressed. In my decades of involvement in the fitness industry, I can assure you that I’ve seen my share of unjust behavior, opinions flying about (good and bad) and a great deal of subjectivity. One thing that I’m confident about is the knowledge that we’re all in this together; regardless of your affiliation, your goals or your personal beliefs. Our objective is to further the sport of bodybuilding and fitness and reap as many rewards that it has to offer.

The place to air any indiscretion is not by firing it from a cannon in hopes that everyone will hear it and respond favorably. As some of you may see, this hasn’t been the case recently with certain posts that have been circulating.

We, the WBFF, owe our support and gratitude to those who support our endeavors and who choose to travel on the same road that we share. In order for the fitness industry to continue to expand its horizons, this mentality should be maintained across the board. To engage in trivial bantering is counterproductive, belittling and unprofessional to say the least and only serves to harm those individuals of whom it is our intended goal of helping…the athletes.

I have faith in the WBFF brand and I have faith in the WBFF Team. We owe our present and continuing success not to one person but to every one of us; the athletes, the sponsors, the spectators, photographers, media and staff. We are not in this alone. I firmly believe that to be successful, you have to share in the success of others.

Having said this, I will continue to support other fitness and bodybuilding organizations that share our direction, that actively promote their participants and whose aim it is to raise the bar as we feel we are doing. Many of you have come to realize that I attend many of these fitness events with the UFE, IDFA, NPC, OPA and IFBB. I am and always will be an athlete first and a businessman second with my primary objective to give back to a sport that has given me the opportunities that I’m now able to share. I have experienced success and now my goal is to share this with as many people as I can and do the best job I’m able to in order to effect this. Once again, I am confident that I will continue with this success.

If you approve of what we’re doing, we acknowledge this. If you disapprove of our intentions, we also want to hear your suggestions; good, bad or otherwise. We are still in our infancy and we realize that we are fallible to making mistakes and are aware that we will never be the only ‘kid on the block’.

We see competition and the existence of other federations as a necessary element that will serve to keep us on our toes and continue to make the necessary adjustments to achieve those goals. We will never take for granted, or be too big for our britches to realize that we can be boastful, discriminate or unworthy.

We appreciate all of the positive feedback that we have recently received. I am thankful for what we do, who we are and what we share.

I will continue to deliver the best that I’m able to and once again thank you for your generosity. I look forward to seeing everyone in September for our World Championships. You won’t be disappointed.

Paul Dillett
President – World Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation


Why should I consider competing with the WBFF? How is it different from any other organization out there?
The WBFF is different from any other organization out there to date. It was founded by an athlete, so we understand the needs as well as the ups and downs of all our competitors. We will utilize our relationships with all our partners to create sponsorship and marketing opportunities for the competitors and all of its members, in an industry that is constantly growing.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Importance of Multi-Vitamins

Bottom line: Many people just aren't meeting the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. And even people that eat plenty of fruits and veggies don't either, thanks to current farming practices and mass food production.

And here's a really interesting study from the Journal of the American Medical Association that states, "it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements."

Additionally, a high-quality multi-vitamin supplement may help:

To prevent diseases

Get the RDA of vital nutrients

Combat nutrient deficiencies in foods

Promote consistent nutrient intake

Long story short: A great way to provide your body with the nutritional foundation you need each day is a Whole Foods based multi-vitamin. I'm a proud Prograde Nutrition partner and they have a terrific product called VGF 25+ that is made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits.

The best part is you can try Prograde's VGF 25+ for FREE! (There's just a small S & H charge)

Hope this info helps you out. I'll be back with more quick tips to help you meet all your health and fitness goals.

Yours in health,


PS - You can see all the natural ingredients they use to make VGF 25+ at

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Sale Once Again

Hey, <<< Want Single Digit Body Fat?

The results are in. In case you missed the discussion
this week, we've been talking about our motivation and
why we it is that we train and put ourselves through
the grueling workouts.

What's it all for, why do we do it?

After reading all of YOUR comments here are some
of the reasons we train so hard.

This is in no particular order. These reasons for training
were prioritized differently for each of us but these were
the major driving forces.

-Enjoy Lifestyle
-To Achieve Goals
-For My Family

Whether your body composition (bigger muscles, less fat)
turns out to be a side effect of your strength training or
whether physical appearance was your main motivation
for training to get a world class physique you're going to
have get your body fat levels low. Really low!


Both Elliott & I got our bodyfat levels into the teens but
to get to into single digits! Wow that's a tall order.

Or, maybe it's not.

What if you could attain 14-weeks of pre-contest meal plans
used by some of the countries of top pro NATURAL bodybuilders?

Sounds too good to be true, I know. Lucky for you, I'm
really close with Brian Cannone who runs a huge natural
bodybuilding show in New England.

With his new Stage Ready Nutrition & Training system he's
including these bodybuilding nutrition meal plans guaranteed
to get you ready to step on stage in just 14-weeks.


I've never had an interest in doing a bodybuilding show myself,
but when I can get an opportunity to get my hands on the
nutrition info they use to get so ripped, I'd be a fool to pass it up.

Both Elliott and I are making great gains with our hybrid
training, but we're always up for trying new nutrition plans. --- >> Bodybuilding Contest Prep Meal Plans

Even if you don't want to compete, maybe you just want to get
ultra lean for an important occasion. Got a wedding or vacation
planned already for 2010? It would be nice to have this insider
info at your disposal.


Meet Mo Mendez, he's been on the cover of every muscle mag
imaginable and is a pro natural bodybuilder. When you get the
Stage Ready Nutrition and Training program by Brian Cannone
you also get a free copy of Mo's eBook Maximum Muscle Mass. --- >> Use This Link To Get Your Free Bonus


I'll give you the good news first. The next 45 people that order will
get a DVD in the mail from the 09 Atlantic Championships featuring
the bodybuilding, fitness, figure, and bikini finalists.

The bad news? There are only 45 DVDs left and this offer
expires on Friday, January 15th.

We're not doing this to put pressure you or whatever. The fact
is Brian sells each of these products individually and doesn't want
to keep diluting his info by offering it so cheap.

Why is he doing this for us?

It's because I've been helping with his web site for the past 7 years
and he owes me a favor. When people owe me favors I hook you
up, plain and simple.

Here's a review of what you get, so if you're interested don't delay.

Stage Ready Nutriton & Training eBook.
Fitness Atlantic Finals Physical DVD
Maximum Muscle Mass Program by Mo Mendez
The No Discount Guide to Fitness Mkt
Bodytransformation Tracker Software

Get the entire package for only 39.99 here which is almost 50%
off the regular price:

Stay Lean & Hybrid

Mike & Elliott

P.S. Did you hear it snowed here in the FL for the first time since
the Ice Age and I had to teach the local residents not to eat yellow snow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Referrals for Brian Cannone of Fitness Atlantic

Referrals for Brian Cannone

“Brian is not just my client also my friend someone who care about Fitness Sale.” December 28, 2009
Cheng Zhong , IT Consultant , Gold Lion Global

“Brian is known for his versitality as well as keen sense of business. He offers creativeness as well as high levels of knowledge in fitness. he is an assest to the industry. Always striving to better everyone with his expertise as well as multitasking in all areas of fitness. The levels of his knowledge in this field are impressive as well as useful to help anyone. He takes great pride and effort to assist.He is a great team partner as well in utilizing Bodyworkz to the fullest potential.” September 15, 2009
Renee Saddler , Reg. Director, Client Support,Sales , Bodyworkz.CMS

“Excellent Fitness Business advice and pleasure to work with.” September 13, 2009
Georgette Pann , Owner , NutriFitness

“I have had the pleasure of working with Brian for over 7 years. I have to say that his leadership, knowledge, and overall experience in the Health and Fitness industry are one that cannot be touched. I personally have taken the skills that Brian has passed to me to increase my profits in our Personal Training Program. Thanks to we continue to grow. Brain and I are together again in a much larger organization, and I would not want to be side by side with anyone else. Brain is an individual that I look up to in this business as we continue to succeed. If it was not for his Sales Training my path could have leaded me towards a dead end road. Thank you Brian everyday for what you do. It has been a great help. Tony M. Salamanca Personal Training Director” September 1, 2009

Tony Salamanca , Personal Training Director , Planet Fitness of New Haven
worked directly with Brian at

“Brain is good Client for mine, we working closely together, he is very talent about Fitness industry also well as SEO industry. We went to many event together include "Crush it" Brain is passion about help other people therefore he is also good friend” January 2, 2010
Cheng Zhong , IT Consultant , Gold Lion Global

“Brian does a great job in the world of fitness. The is very well organized and the best show on the east coast. I know Brian as a perfectly nice gentleman who is guarantee for excellent quality management in the fitness industry.” September 19, 2009
Csaba Pecsi MS, RD, CSCS , Independent Professional , Dietsport

“Brian is the owner of the Fitness Atlantic show in CT which I recently competed in. So far, it is one of my favorite shows to compete in because of how smoothly it runs, how well put together it is, and the overall enjoyable experience I had. Sometimes you leave shows feeling like you were rushed around, the area you had to get ready in was less then ideal, and for how much work goes into competing, the experience should have been much more enjoyable than it was. However, the Fitness Atlantic met and exceeded all of my expectations and I was lucky that that was my first show experience instead of one of the not so pleasant experiences I had afterward. So, keep up the good work Brian and I'll see you again next year!” September 15, 2009
Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , Expert
Amanda Whitney
hired Brian as a Fitness Atlantic Owner in 2008

“Brian has demonstrated superior managerial skills in every project he takes part it. His attention to detail and passion for his work was apparent simply by stepping foot in his gym. It was always spotless and well-organized. Membership grew simply by his efforts to make the gym an exceptional place to train. Additionally, he had spent countless hours helping various athletes with training and dieting. His positive efforts are reflected in the results they've achieved.” September 15, 2009
Top qualities: Personable , Expert , Good Value
Joseph Petreycik
hired Brian as a Personal Trainer in 2002

“I know Brian as a show promoter, Photographer, and videographer. Brians Fitness Atlantic show, is hands down the BEST East Coast show... period! I as a fellow promoter I could only wish to be "nearly" as good as Brian. If you are a competitor, you would do yourself a great service to make sure you try his show out! I've also hired Brian professionally to take video and do photography for my contest. He is punctual, attentive, reasonably priced, and does a GREAT job. His work has been published in National Body building magazines, and trade magazines as well. I am proud to associate myself with Brian professionally, and as a friend!” September 14, 2009
Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , High Integrity
Matt Johnson
hired Brian as a Photographer in 2006 , and hired Brian more than once

“Brian promotes a large fitness & bodybuilding competition that is well-run. Brian is a gracious and friendly and despite being very busy, will take the time out to help out individuals.” September 14, 2009
Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , Good Value
Bill Scanlon
hired Brian as a Promoter in 2003

“brian is a great ambassador for the sport of natural bodybuilding, which he proves yearly as the ceo of fitnessatlantic .com bodybuilding shows. he's very hands on and never hard to find, making it so that his employees and contestants are always kept in the loop. most importantly he's quite agressive with staying current and doing what he can to get exposure for many of the contestants of his show. what more could you ask for?” September 13, 2009
isaac moore , boe security , city of bridgeport
worked indirectly for Brian at

“i'd like to bring to attention all physique competitors interested in possibly making a name for themselves that competing/winning at brian cannone's fitness atlantic show is an ideal route to go this is the east coast most prestigious show with many a winner turning superstar and appearing on many magazine covers i know i'll be competing there next april hope to see u all there” August 30, 2009
butch paradis , Owner , paradis fitness systems
worked with Brian at

“Nobody puts more heart, soul and passion into promoting athletes and competitions than Brian Cannone! That's why the Super Fitness Weekend which takes place every April is one of the most successful contests in the country and why receives such an incredible amount of traffic! Super Fitness Weekend boasts a plethora of divisions and classes, it's the perfect competition for everyone from beginners to seasoned veterans! The website uses cutting edge technology to promote athletes and the contest!” August 27, 2009
Todd Ganci , owner , Photography
was with another company when working with Brian at

“As a former competitor of Fitness Atlantic, I have to say that Brian is an amazing director. He is runs a very organized show! Anyone looking to compete in the Fitness Atlantic event should definetly join! You are able to make tons of new friends, photoshoot, learn and network with companies/agencies. Brian show is a big hit every year and makes sure that everyone leaves feeling like a winner. I highly recommend Brian's Fitness Atlantic event!!!” August 26, 2009
Loriann Marchese , Model , Fitness
reported to Brian at

“I worked as a Bodybuilding judge for Brian's Fitness Atlantic Weekend and it was the most organized show that I have ever been a part of.” August 26, 2009
Fitzroy Bramble , Personal Fitness Trainer , Today's Fitness Center, Woburn Ma.
reported to Brian at

“The Fitness Atlantic show that Brian Cannone puts on every year is beyond a doubt one of the finest productions I have ever seen or been part of. This is due in whole to Brian. He is dedicated to excellence in everything he does. Brian is a true gentleman and goes above and beyond the call of duty. Every year I look forward to working with him... Working with Brian is a pleasure. Absolutely no stress. I highly recommend working with Brian” August 26, 2009
John Ryan , owner , John Ryan, Photographer
was with another company when working with Brian at

“Brian is an industrious and dedicated fitness and bodybuilding trainer/promoter. I have worked with Brian for many years providing video services, and I can tell by the quality of his Fitness Atlantic shows, and by the extensive knowledge he possess that he is a leader in the fitness profession. We work on many fitness video projects that is both challenging and rewarding, and continue to do so. -- Bob Marini” August 26, 2009
Bob Marini , Producer/Director/Screenwriter , New Dimension
was a consultant or contractor to Brian at

“Fitness Atlantic, one of the most professionally run fitness events on the East coast. Brians personal touch from start to finish makes this fitness event the crown jewels of events.” August 26, 2009
uchenna obinabo , Lifestyle Management , C B Personal Training & Lifestyle Management
was with another company when working with Brian at
“Brian has worked hard for many years to bring the finest in fitness prom- otion to so many athletes nationally and internationally. I heartily reccommend him. Dr. Mike Dusa” August 26, 2009
Michael Dusa , Owner , Dusa
worked directly with Brian at

“If you're looking for info on becoming a bodybuilder, preparing for a competition, etc. - he's your man! His site, is one of the best bodybuilding websites out there with hundreds of articles, so go check it out! And if you want to become a professional bodybuilder, Brian Cannone is the best to learn none :)” August 25, 2009
Jeremy Reeves , Owner , Jeremy Reeves
was a consultant or contractor to Brian at
“Brian is a visionary in the world of Health and Fitness as well as Natural Bodybuilding. His dedication and commitment to helping people achieve there fitness goals has made him a role model in the fitness community.” December 23, 2008
Thomas Fabbri , Airline Captain , DHL Aviation
was with another company when working with Brian at

“I had the pleasure to serve as a judge at Brian's Fitness Atlantic fitness, figure and bodybuilding shows. For the short time I served as a judge I had the opportunity to discuss with Brian different approaches in relation to what we both are doing - more precisely we are both very closely involved in the health and wellness industry, and we are both owners of highly respected websites, considered by many users to be a top places for information on fitness, bodybuilding and nutrition. I also had the chance to carefully observe and truly enjoy the way Brian performed as a promoter of the well-known Fitness Atlantic show. The ease, with which he lead the busy weekend and the lack of tension and any major problems were impressive to say the least. I can, with all honesty state that I learn from him any time I have the chance to interact with him - in person, via email or phone. A true professional, whom I deeply respect and highly recommend to any serious business man or woman.” November 3, 2008
Ivan Nikolov , Owner ,
was with another company when working with Brian at

“Brian is the most trustworthy person who has ever worked for me in my 25+ years of being in business. I have had over 1000 employees over the years, not a single employee has approached his level of ethics.” September 22, 2009
Top qualities: Personable , Expert , High Integrity
Louis Regina III
hired Brian as a Business Consultant in 1998

“Brian & I have known each other for 9 years. He is loyal as well as consistent in his field. His basis in the fitness industry has a solid structure. There is no limit to his knowledge. He has always been very helpful as well as a pleasure to work with,” September 14, 2009
Renee Saddler , Pt Manager & Personal Trainer , Ultimate Fitness
worked directly with Brian at Ultimate Fitness

“I’ve had the privilege of working with Brian on a number of different projects. He has a vast amount of industry knowledge and a tireless work ethic.” January 13, 2009
Jim Alcorn , Territory Representative , Life Fitness, a division of Brunswick Corp.
was a consultant or contractor to Brian at Ultimate Fitness

“I worked with Brian for many years at World Gym in Trumbull. Brian is a dedicated and hard worker and always put the best interest of his customers first and I would recommend him highly as a Trainer, Manager, and anything he puts his mind to. Brian puts his heart and commits fully to what ever he sets out to do.” October 15, 2009
Brian Bernstein , Sales Manager , Reed Exhibitions
worked directly with Brian at World Gym

“Brian Worked for me at World Gym Plus a company I started from ''GRASS ROOTS'' in May 1990. Brian was hired as an entry level sales person and personal trainer in the developemental stages of the business. Brian was quite and diligent about his work, and carried himself with an umatched discipline to developing himself. Brian consistently took on new challenges and skills until he became a leading producer of sales. He invested himself into the business in a variety of ways, including his own personal fitness training, sales ability, customer service orientation, and marketing projects. Brian fostered programs that were both innovative and creative and were directly responsible for member retention which led to the healthy profits of this business. My business success at World Gym is attributed to people like brian whom without would have been near impossible. I have been lucky to have him a part of my team.” December 21, 2008
John Maturo , OWNER MANAGER , World Gym
managed Brian at World Gym

Tom Duer in Reps Magazine!

I'm so happy I competed at Fitness Atlantic it has opened a lot of doors for me . I've been there twice once as a spectator and once as a competetor and both times I had an amazing time. If there is anything you need let me know>
Tom Duer

Sunday, January 10, 2010

April 10, 2010 New England

April 10, 2010 : The BLNPA New England Natural

We are looking forward to the New England Natural!

For more information, please contact Kevin Topka, Promoter:
Phone: (508)336-4587

The contest will be held at
Tolman High School,
150 Exchange Street,
Pawtucket RI 02860

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Handbook 2010


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come..
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:
40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about, I just did.

New Date for Fitness Atlantic

January 2010

Dear Fitness Atlantic Athlete:

Our Fitness Atlantic Championship has a new date April 17, 2010.

It has come to my attention that another promoter has scheduled a competition on the very same date, as my long time scheduled Atlantic Championship. I cannot express how deeply hurt I am to find that someone would do this, as I have poured my heart and soul into creating the Fitness Atlantic event over the past 11 years.

I would like to let you know that I am in no way affiliated with this promoter, his organization, or his event. This other contest is also in Connecticut with the same show name which is causing confusion.

In order to avoid confusion and to give the athletes the best possible opportunity to join us, I have moved the date to April 17, 2010.

This is an extremely difficult decision for me but one I feel is in the best interest of the athletes. I deeply apologize for any scheduling inconvenience this may cause any of you, but I feel it is the right decision for the show given the circumstances. This situation is one that is between me and this other promoter, and should in no way involve you the athlete. This is why I know it is the best decision to be on a different weekend.

I have always treated the athletes in my events as close as my family, so I would never want to put any athlete through a situation that is uncomfortable, or would cause you pressure and stress. Anyone that has done my show understands that my goal is to make sure you have a great experience and that people know me more than just the event promoter but more importantly as your friend. This decision is very difficult for me but I know it is the right one.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (203) 395-6196. All of the event information will be updated on my website at

I am asking for your support now and can’t wait to see you on April 17, 2010 at East Haven Performing Arts Center. Let's have a great show.


Brian Cannone
Event Producer
Fitness Atlantic Championships

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Camp Savage Video

Was 2009 everything you hoped it would be?
If so,congratulations.

If not, I understand.

If last year wasn't the year you planned, now's the
time to make this year, 2010, better-perhaps much

2009 was for just about everyone I know their most
challenging year ever-in business, in their career,
or in life in general. For most people last year
was a year of utter uncertainty and for many people
2009 was 365 days of struggle.

I'm sending you this video for a reason.

Here's the bottom line. Last year is over and
there is no future in the past. A new decade
begins today and NOW is the time to get started on
making this year-THE YEAR-YOUR YEAR!

If your goal is make 2010 better than 2009-
I think starting here can help.

The Nations #1 Fitness and Figure Competition
Preparation Camp

CAMP SAVAGE is celebrating its 13th year! The longest running fitness camp in the industry! Yes, there are other camps out there, but none like this one!

CAMP SAVAGE is the original camp for fitness and figure that teaches you about all the federations, not just one. During your weekend, you will meet amazing women just like yourself, and you will a part of something greater than the desire for a trophy. Learn every aspect of competition preparation in all major federations. Topics include: Nutrition and training, posing and stage presentation, breaking into fitness modeling, choosing a federation, sponsorships, hair and makeup, suit selection, choreography and strength for fitness, competing on a budget, the differences between figure, bikini and modeling and so much more! You are now part of a sisterhood of women who share this passion, this energy for life and this desire to excel!

The Camp Savage 2010 Tour

January 29th, 30, 31st

Time: Friday night- 7-9pm
Sunday 9-2pm.

See You There!

Say I'll Never Make It by Todd Ganci

My buddy Todd Ganci's song "Say I'll Never Make It"

Some of the words say -

Do me a favor and say I'll never make it

Do me a favor and tell me not to try

- Reminds me of what I say about most people every time you say something you want to accomplish

Shooting down your dreams!