Friday, February 12, 2010

Muscle Explosion Question & Answer

Brian Cannone

Quick heads up about that Muscle Explosion program...

Muscle Explosion

Nick has put together a
Q&A list to help answer all your questions so you have NO DOUBT
if his program is a fit for you.

I'll let Nick answer the questions from here:


1. Is this program okay for beginners or is it more appropriate
for intermediate to advanced trainers?

Honestly, it is DEFINITELY more appropriate for intermediate to
advanced trainers. Many of the techniques in the program call for
very specific and very challenging training techniques that the body
of a beginning trainer simply is not prepared for.

I would say it would be best to have at least 6 months to a year of
solid training experience behind you before working with this

I won't lie to is a TOUGH program but if you're willing
to work at it, the results will AMAZE you. And the harder you work
at it and the more guts you put into it, the better your results
will be!


2. I'm an advanced trainer but I've hit a plateau in muscle growth.
Will this program help me get past it?

ABSOLUTELY. In fact, when I originally designed this program, that
was my primary goal! help more experienced trainers BLAST PAST
muscle-growth plateaus using highly-targeted combinations of training
and nutrition.

And as an advanced trainer, you will actually have an advantage
with this program...based on my own experience with it, I was
actually getting FASTER RESULTS WHILE USING IT (after training for
17 years) compared to the results I got (with other programs) when
I was a complete beginner and first started training!

Normally, it's a case of diminishing returns as you become more
advanced...gains are "supposed to" come slower, not FASTER. Let
me tell you...that ain't what happens with THIS program!


3. Is this program only for hardgainers? I'm not a hardgainer
but I want to add some SERIOUS mass and strength.

Not at all. Hardgainers will definitely get a LOT out of this
program but it will work EXTREMELY well for people who are already
well-muscled and want to take things to the next level of mass and


4. I'm 16 years old. Is this program okay for me?

To be frank, I would actually recommend AGAINST using this program
until you're at least 17 or 18 (or until you've stopped growing).
This program is VERY challenging to the connective tissue of the
body and connective tissue is more vulnerable when you're still in
your teenage growth years.

When you're ready, this program will help you build a POWERFUL base
and set the stage for YEARS of productive muscle and strength-


5. I'm 65 years old. Am I too old to do this program? Can I
still build significant mass and strength?

The ONLY hesitation I would have with recommending this program to
you would not be based specifically on your age but on current
conditioning. If you're training around injuries and your joints
aren't what they used to be, you could certainly still do the
program - you would just need to be very aware of how your body
responds to and recovers from the training.

Bottom we get older, recovery is slower. By adjusting
the program as you need to (e.g. adding in additional rest days),
you could perform this program just fine.

AND you can DEFINITELY still build significant muscle mass and
strength. Granted, it may be less than when you were younger due
to a variety of factors, but the potential is very much still there.


6. Do I need specific equipment to perform this program? I train
at home and only have basic stuff available.

That's one of the nice things about this program. You DON'T need
access to a giant gym full of equipment. What you DO need is
basic weight equipment like dumbells, barbells, a bench and (ideally)
a power rack. You can certainly get away with not having a rack,
but it WILL be easier to do some of the training WITH a rack.

Let me tell you, I have a nice selection of equipment in my home
gym but when I do the program, I stick to heavy, basic exercises
with simple equipment. It's HOW you do the exercises and put it
all together (and the guts that you put into your training) that
gets you the results.

If you've got basic equipment and the will to push yourself, you
will get GREAT results with this program.


7. Do I need to use supplements on this program?

Supplements are NOT necessary for this program to work. If you can
get all the nutrients you need out of your food, go for it! This
program is NOT based on which supplements you's based on
targeted training and nutritional techniques.

That being said, I DO recommend some basic supplementation to get
the most out of this program. Nothing fancy...just straightforward,
proven stuff like multivitamins, protein, creatine, glutamine and
joint support supplements....basically, things that are going to
SUPPORT your training and nutrition.


8. What happens if I get the program and read through it but find
it's not something I feel I can do? Can I return the program?

DEFINITELY. I want to take ALL the risk out it for you. If you
get it and read through it and find it's not for you. No problem.
You'll get back every penny - no hard feelings, no questions asked.


So that's the scoop on the "Muscle Explosion" program! You can
also read the full rundown on the program by clicking here:

Muscle Explosion

If you have any other questions about the program before you get
it, feel free to drop Nick an email at!



P.S. the "Muscle Explosion" program is revolutionary in it uses targeted nutritional and training techniques
to MAXIMIZE the muscle-building potential of your physiology!

Nick has combined THE most powerful muscle-building techniques that he
knows to not only work WITH each other but to actually INTEGRATE
and AMPLIFY the effects of each other.

Each phase builds on the previous phase to set up MASSIVE gains
in strength and muscle mass.

If you need a COMPLETELY NEW approach to your training,
DEFINITELY check this program out NOW while he's still got this
CRAZY price on...

Muscle Explosion
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