Monday, April 20, 2009

Elizabeth D'Amore

Elizabeth D'Amore

Nickname: Tish

Age: 34

Birthday: 2/08/74

Birthplace: Newport, RI

Residence: Newport, RI

Height and Weight: 5'4" 112 contest weight 118 off season

Fitness has always been a huge part of my life. From the time I was 4 yrs. old I was always doing something whether it was dance, gymnastics or aerobics classes I was always moving. After having my 2 daughters and I feeling like I was in the shape of my life I thought why not take it to the next level and do something that you never thought was possible and that was to compete!

After looking online and through different fitness magazines I kept coming across Cathy Savage Fitness. I made and appointment and that's how I got started.

One of favorite fitness competitors is Dawn Butterfield, I think she's amazing!

I started competing in the fall of 2007. I did the FAP New York along with some local NPC shows. I started off the 2008 season with an NPC show in my area and then I did my first Fitness Atlantic show. After that I did my first national show. Fitness Universe in Miami.

I am still working with CSF. I've been working with Cathy and her crew a little over a year now and I'm very happy!

I workout at the Newport County YMCA in Newport, RI and also at Work Out World in Warwick, RI.

I take a multi vitamin everyday along with protein shakes.

I have achieved great results in the last year. I lost a couple of pounds but most of all I completely toned up my body. I have always been active and in shape but after changing my workouts and cleaning up my diet I saw some great changes and most of all I feel wonderful!

I can't imagine not having fitness as a part of my life. It's just what we do in our house. My husband and I are always at the gym and my girls are right there with us. They are doing gymnastic, dance, softball or swimming. I want them to know at a young age how important it is to be healthy and active.

I started out doing these shows because I felt like I put so much hard work into trying to look and feel my best why not bring it to the stage. After my first couple of shows I loved it. Everyone wants to be the best and would love to win the show and I'm no exception! I have a lot of things to work on before I ever get to that point but as long as I improve with each show I'll be happy!

My diets pretty clean. I eat 5-6 meals a day. Lots of protein, fruits and veggies. I try to drink a gallon of water a day. My favorite cheat meal is ice cream. I can't live without it!!!

I teach about 6-8 classes of group ex. a week. My classes are alot of cardio with light and heavy weight mixed in. When I'm not teaching I like to do about 30-45 min. of cardio and about 30-45 min. of heavy weight training and abs with every workout!

I'm a personal trainer and a group exercise instructor.

I just want to a great role model for my daughters. The see what I do and how hard I work. I love it when they have questions for me and want to try all of the stuff that I'm doing. My oldest who is 8 yrs. old already wants to be a fitness star. She loves watching all the routines!

I have been dancing since the age of 4. In high school on was on the dance team.

I want to thank my husband Gerry and my daughters Hannah who's 8 and Julia who's 5 for being so supportive. All of friends and family have been wonderful!

Whether they come to the shows to watch or they’re at home cheering me on!

I just love to hang with my friends and family!

Some days can be very long and the last that I want to do is workout but I after I get it don I always feel better! It definitely help when you have a great family to support you and help push you along!

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