Monday, August 1, 2011

Fitness Atlantic 2011

#1 Dan Usher - A personal trainer at LA Fitness, likes the feeling of seeing his body change week by week as the contest approaches, would like to thank his workout partner and his parents for their support

#2 Ian Bobis - Trains at Gold’s Gym and Planet Fitness, would like to be in a fitness magazine, loves competing and can’t wait to do it again

#4 Ryan Wagner - Trains at Gold’s Gym, tis is his second contest and he thanks his mom and dad, friends, and coach and everybody that believes he can be the best

#5 Dan Quach - Trains at Gold’s Gym, used a haigh fat and high carb diet for pre-contest and said it was so easy!

#3 - Jason Bzdick, is the head personal trainer at Healthtrax, says competing helped his test his focus and his favorite food is steak

#6 Adam Sack, personal trainer at Edge Fitness, promised himself he would compete before the age 30, competed for the sense of accomplishment and his reflection in the mirror, thanks his girlfriend for her support, his parents and friends for coming out to the show and the gym goers for pushing him

#7 Anthony Sniadach - Trains at Gold’s Gym, competed for the challenge and said competing was no piece of cake and the best thing about competing was about seeing results

#8 Baltazar Feliciano - personal trainer and kickboxer at Fitness 4000, a former two-time Mr Puerto Rico

#9 Chris Poirier - is a retail manager and personal trainer and works out at Valley Fitness, this is his 3rd contest, said he competed because his friends and he likes seeing people get interested and their support

#10 David Williams - works out at the Boys and Girls Club, been working out for 6 years, he loves the sport of bodybuilding and thanks his mom and dad

#11 Edwin Roman - works out at LA Fitness, decided to compete because he wanted to do something new and different in life, said best thing about competing was the knowledge he learned and the trail and errors

#13 Kijuan Adams - works out at Gold’s Gym, he tried to become the biggest and baddest bodybuilder in the gym, loves the mental focus of training, dedicated his training to the passing of his best friend to cancer (Khambrel Williams, age 30)

#14 Matt Hunter - trains at Flex Fitness, best thing about competing is getting in shape, loves to train arms and thanks his family

#15 Ray Martineau - works out at Club Ex, decided to compete because it looked like fun, and best thing about it was feeling and looking good

#16 Luis Chuquiltuanca - works out at Gold’s Gym, says his passion is working out, and thanks his parents and friends

#141 Uchenna Obinabo - is a personal trainer and Monavie distributer and works at LA Fitness and the YMCA, says best thing about bodybuilding is at any age you can be fit and enjoys meeting new friends

#17 Melvin Ware - 60 years of age, trains at Gold’s Gym, he is called “The House Rocker” for his free posing, and looking forward to a steak and cheese sub, special thanks to his lovely wife Lillian for all of her support

#18 Mike Costello - works out at Edge Fitness, best thing about competing is reaching individual goals and getting into his best condition

#75 Cindy Gruss - is a certified and licensed athletic trainer, works out at Gold’s Gym, she is currently in school for her doctorate in physical therapy, competed in 10 contests from 2000-2002 and this was her first contest since

#81 Sharon Plosky - owner of Pole Position Fitness, has been competing and modeling for 5 years, decided to compete to keep motivated, best thing about competing is manipulating her body through nutrition and exercise

#82 Allyson Genovese - is a stay at home mom, her trainer talked her into competing, and the best thing was having a rewarding body, thanks her husband Patrick and daughter Reese

#84 Gosia Calderon - is a certified Pilates instructor and works out at Equinox, decided to compete because she wanted to challenge herself, loved seeing her body transform and get stronger

#85 Holly Pacheco - is a social worker and works out at Gold’s Gym, said her first competition was Fitness Atlantic 3 years ago, says she loves everything about fitness and wanted to take her body to another level and best thing is watching her body change and making new friends

#87 Alisha Ceraso - is a dental assistant and works out at Edge Fitness, has been a bikini and model competitor for 3 years, says working out was a hobby and all of her hard work wasn’t going anywhere until a friend told her about competing, says the best thing is seeing amazing results

#91 Taylor Kelsey - works out at Planet Fitness, says she competed because of family influence of her mom and her favorite food is doughnuts

#92 Veronica Blekis - is an employee at Planet Fitness, decided to compete to push her body, and the hardest part of sticking to the diet

#93 Vicky Posner - is a jewelry designer, and works out at Body Natural, she liked the challenge of pushing herself to reach goals, says the best thing was the feeling before the show proud!

#114 Carlotta Peters - is from Columbia and is a scientist, works out at Pro Fitness, best thing was watching the changes in her body

#116 Jessica Munson - is a radiology technician, and works out at Club 24, says she has a strong love for fitness and competing has always been a goal and the best thing was pushing herself and seeing results

#117 Marisa Messer-Belenchia - is studying to become a personal trainer, decided to compete to show herself waht she is made of and test her limits both mentally and physically

#118 Megan Reith - is a medical assistant, decided to compete to challenge herself and the discipline, the hardest part was managing her workouts and working a full-time job, the best part was seeing the transformation and the hard work paying off

#19 Pamela Fung - works out at Gold’s Gym, decided to compete for a healthier lifestyle and she enjoyed competing last year as well as the transformation her body goes through plus inspiring others

#120 Serina Van-Danh - works in the health and fitness corporate setting, works out at home to Insanity DVDs, said the hardest part was finding the time to workout and modifying nutrition was harder than she thought and kudos to all of those who were able to do it!

#121 Stephanie Mackay - is a personal trainer at Bally’s Total Fitness, decided to compete to test her limits and as a former cheerleader to find a new competitive outlet

#122 Tani Correia - is a fitness model and talent artist and works out at New York Sports Club, decided to compete to meet people with the same interests and also found it exciting because she loves fitness, said the best thing was getting in the best shape of her life

#123 Vanessa Reda - is a licensed martial and family therapist, works out at The Training Floor and LA Fitness, this was her first show ever and decided to compete to challenge her mind and body. Best thing was finally seeing glorious muscle and feeling healthy and strong

#124 Nichole Morgillo - is a hair stylist and race car driver, works out at Gold’s Gym, she decided to compete after her father battled cancer for a year and after he beat lung cancer she wanted to do something for herself, says working out clears her head and the 2 hours a day feels great and nothing else in the world matters at that time.

#125 Tessa Gilbert - works out at Workout World, decided to compete because she lost a bet, said it was difficult to cook and workout while living a UConn but worth it for seeing her body change

#126 Melissa Petrarca - is a recent college graduate and loves fitness, said the best thing about competing was that it builds her confidence and the discipline and it helps in all areas of your life

#61 Alyssa Bernier - is a behavior technician, works out at Gold’s Gym, is a model with Suzi’s International in Fort Myers, used the contest to set a goal for herself to train to be the best she can be

#68 Heidi Jones - is a personal trainer and works out at Newport Athletic Club, has competed in 14 contests, says she started because a friend brought her to a show and it looked like a great thing to do for herself. Best thing about competing is the great sense of self and well-being

#78 Ilona Kovacs - works out at Tribecca Health and Fitness, best thing about competing is the way it makes her feel and look. Thanks her boyfriend because he is her biggest fan

#90 Lori-Ann Marchese - owner of Body Construct and dental hygienist, likes to workout using Crossfit, wants to become a role model for other women and motivate women to live a healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition. Loves competing because it is great motivation and seeing the results.

#95 Crystal Rice - is a registered nurse and certified personal trainer, competes to stay physically fit and have a goal to work towards, says the hardest part of competing is working long shifts at the hospital and commuting into Manhattan.

#97 Liz Adams - works in economic and community development, works out at Planet Fitness and North haven Health and Racquet, competes because it is a personal goal and the sense of fulfillment

#128 Coryn Martin - is a teachers assistant for 9th grade special education, works out at World Gym, competes to become a more confident person and challenging and learning about her body.

#129 Elizabeth DeLearey - is a personal trainer, is sponsored by Advanced Genetics and Rescindx Clothing, and a model for Maxim and she likes being in the gym and training with fellow athletes

#130 Emily Kristenson - is a professional sales consultant and works out at Answer is Fitness, decided to compete because she had lost a lot of weight and it was her goal to do a show

#133 Gina Gesamondo - is a nutritionist, and works out at Sports Club LA, decided to compete to be the best version of herself and she strives to be a role model for her daughter. Best thing about competing is setting goals and achieving them and inspiring others to push themselves to be their best

#134 Madalena Dos Santos - is an esthetician and studying nutrition, works out at Gold’s Gym, her biggest obstacle was owner her own business, studying nutrition and training for the competition was challenging but likes pushing herself to new limits all the time


#135 Meagan Letellier - is a firefighter and paramedic, works out at Lifestyles Fitness Center, decided to compete for exposure in the fitness industry for future modeling and likes the motivation and self discipline

#137 Stina Leigh - is an interior designer and promotional model, past experience has been competing in the Miss Rhode Island 2005, Miss USA and Miss America pageants and says 2 years away from the stage has been too much, works out at Workout World, says the sacrifices of time have been worth it and her biggest obstacle was working 65 hour work weeks while training each day but she loved seeing muscles she never saw in her whole life.

#138 Widalys Acevedo - is an executive assistant and works out at Eastshore Fitness, she enjoys reading Muscle & Fitness, Oxygen Magazine and ther fitness magazines and always pictured herself on stage and being involved in the fitness industry.

#139 Amy Desmarais - is a full-time student and trains at both Gold’s Gym and Wortld Gym, decided to compete to push herself to another level, says training gives her mental focus in every aspect of her life

#143 Allie Esposito - is a wellness and fitness coordinator at Northeast Utilities, and works out at Club 24, says she decided to compete because she always worked out so hard and wanted t set a goal, loves meeting new people

#21 Damien Mercier - is a financial consultant, trains at Gold’s Gym, decided to compete because he had done some previous shows and wanted to get back on stage, likes seeing how far he can push himself, and thanks his parents and his girlfriend

#26 Carlos Rivera - self employed owner of Pro Tech Fitness a fitness equipment service company, works out at LA Fitness, he wanted to put his mind, body and soul to the test by competing, best thing about competing was the changes in physical appearance and conditioning, wants to thank his daughter Isabella for giving him all the right reasons to reach his goal

#98 Andrew Jones - is a student at the University of New Haven, and works out at the school recreation center, decided to compete because it’s a great way to show passion for a healthy and disciplined lifestyle and he loves modeling, and the best thing was learning how his body works and the different workout routines and diets

#99 Brian Febes - is a student and works out at Planet Fitness, decided to compete to try something new and competitive, the best thing about competing was the experience and the working out

#100 Brock Aksoy - is an engineer and fitness author, works out at Goodlife Fitness, decided to compete to inspire others with his body transformation, says it was tough to balance training, and eating 6 times a day and work, said best thing about competing was “the pump, it’s all about the pump”

#101 Andrew Thorp - is a naval officer, and works out at Newport Athletic Club, decided to compete because he needed a new goal in life and to try something new, said not eating whatever he wanted was difficult at first but became much easier, best thing about competing was the support of friends as well as feeling much healthier

#102 Chris Ruggiero - is a physical education teacher and personal trainer, works out at Planet Fitness, decided to compete because he was looking for a new challenge, his biggest obstacle was adjusting his diet and training so he didn’t get too lean too fast, said competing helped him stay focused and motivated to achieve a goal

#103 Craig Capurso - is a derivates oil trader, works out at Crunch Fitness, says he decided to compete after dropping his weight after football when training for boxing, he said competing makes you feel great and your diet makes you healthy so all and all it’s positive all the way around

#104 David Shutler - is a government contractor from Washington DC, and works out at a Gold’s Gym, decided to compete to inspire others and to gain exposure in the fitness industry, best thing about competing is the discipline it instills in people

#105 Felix Cepeda - is a student, works out at Planet Fitness, decided to compete for the experience and pushing his body to the next level, says the hardest part was balancing school and work, and the best part was the workouts and experience

#106 Jamie McDonald - works in customer support engineering, works out at Gold’s Gym, decied to compete to be a role model for his children, says his schedule is crazy balancing work, family, school and training but the process of learning more about the science behind the sport was worth it. He thanks his wife and kids for their support.

#107 Jonathan Joseph - works in project management and is a fitness author, works out at Goodlife Fitness, decided to compete to inspire and encourage others to go after their goals in life and said the best thing about competing was the complete experience and doing the show with good friends

#108 Mingyu Chin - is a college student, has had some modeling experience but never competed before, decided to compete because it looked like fun, best thing about competing was the good image it provided

#109 Phillip Maniaracina - is a high school math teacher, and works out at Cardio EXpress, he had competed in Fitness Atlantic before and wanted to come back, decided to compete for the motivation with the diet and to exercise better and harder, the hardest part of competing is not eating out, less restaurants, and balancing teaching and grading papers with training

#110 Santino Bruno - is a real estate agent and bartender, works out at 180 Fitness Headquarters, he said everyday is a sacrifice and coming from a traditional Italian household missing sunday dinners is the worst but the best thing about competing is how you look in the mirror

#111 Steve Edmond - is a personal trainer and loss prevention officer, works out at Bally Total Fitness, was originally a bodybuilder but decided to try fitness modeling this time, said there are many things he likes about competing but mostly seeing the hard work pay off

#112 Steven Gomes - works in customer service and works out at Gold’s Gym, has had some modeling experience and decided to compete because it is his passion and seeing the results

#113 Vince “Skinny Vinny” DelMonte - is a health and fitness publisher, worked out at Powerhouse Gym, this was his 6th show and the last one was 2008, has a TV show called Live Large, went from 227lbs and 17% fat to 195lbs and 5% fat and wants to earn his Pro Card, his biggest obstacle was himself, says he stayed focused one meal at a time. Thanks his wife Flavia because she dieted with him the entire time to support each other

#145 Philip Profenna - is a full-time student, works out at Fitness II, said the hardest part was dieting but the best part of the deadline and he thanks his parents for their support


#30 Jennifer Clark - competed to prove a mommy of 4 could do it, said best thing was pushing through and the mental strength, thanks family and friends for support

#31 Lea Van Apeldoorn - personal trainer works out at Aspen Athletic Club, started competing in bodybuilding and now figure, being a single mom and working long hours with a hectic schedule has presented challenges but loved seeing the changes her body went through

#33 Fern Assard - works out at Workout World, has been competing for 4 years and won multiple titles and at age 42 with 4 children ages 10-23 she wanted to set a good example for others.

#34 Patricia Zapata - an administrative assistant works out at LA Fitness, decided to compete for personal accomplishment and to train others in the future. Said dieting was challenging but the transformation was worth it!

#35 Anissa Rogers - full-time clinical recruiter, part-time personal trainer and fashio designer. Works out at Lifestyle Family Fitness. Decided to compete to stay in top notch shape and inspire others to take care of themselves plus when you look good, you feel good.

#36 Larissa Montagano - is a project manager professional, works out at Gold’s Gym, decided to compete for the dedication, determination, and the challenge

#37 Laurin Hollander - medical technologist and personal trainer, works out at World Gym, decided to compete just for fun, the hardest challenge was the diet, the crazy often brutal schedule to get everything done and be ready

#38 Beth Ann Hickey - manages a recruiting company and works out at Planet Fitness. decided to compete to give herself some goals in her fitness journey and some motivation and thanks all of the positive support from others

#39 Jennifer Jacek Clark - math professor, works out at LA Fitness and the YMCA, said she decided to compete because she was watching and sitting the in the audience too long! Biggest challenge was being a single working mom with two children and the contest gave her motivation to get off the couch

#40 Lisa Mahieu - financial advisor, works out at Bodystrong, decided to compete for fun and seeing results

#41 Wendy Kelsey - dental assistant works out at Planet Fitness, decided to compete because she had a moment of insanity - said ropes, chains, and shackles had to hold her down from hurting someone as she was sticking to the diet - but enjoyed feeling fit and looking healthy - thanks her guy Ray for all his help and encouragement.

Samantha Towe - personal trainer and fitness instructor, works out at Omni Fitness and World Gym, competed for a personal challenge and loves leading a healthy lifestyle and be a positive role model. The best thing about training for the contest was the journey and the process of dieting and how much your physique changes.

#43 Anna Gibbons - Fitness instructor and works out at Newport Athletic Club. Decided to compete because her trainer convinced her to try training for a contest. Loves feeling healthy and building confidence.

#44 Cheryl Smith - works as a detective, works out at LA Fitness, decided to compete to show what hard work looks like! Liked meeting new people with the same interests

#45 Meisha Abbasinejad - is a physician, works out at Omni Fitness, competed for a personal challenge, broke her toe the Tuesday before the show and had to learn to balance her time between 3 kids, husband, and running her own medical practice while getting her training done. Best thing was the whole contest prep process from learning her body and watching it change and pushing herself to new limits.

#46 Melisa Pelikan - is a RN, decided to compete because she likes to train intensely for a goal and to expand her “comfort zone” - said the hardest thing was the commitment and she wishes there was one more hour in each day.

#47 Dawn Reiser - is an instructor, competed for a goal and the experience and liked watching her body transform

#48 Renee Jalbert - operations manager, works out at Fitness Junkys, has competed in several shows and likes seeing progress

#49 Jennifer Olson - nursing student and mom of 3, trains at Gold’s Gym, competes for the love of the sport, said best thing about competing is you get into the best shape of your life

#50 Dawnita Fry - is a personal trainer from the Bahamas and works out at Body Zone, competes because she loves seeing her body transform and seeing her body improve

#51 Amber Lachapelk - receptionist and massage therapist, works out at Forever Fit, decided to compete after loosing 100lbs thought it would be a good idea. Loved pushing herself past limits she thought she had.

#52 Nicole Annatone - customer service supervisor and group exercise instructor, works out at New York Sports Club, decided to compete to see what her body was capable of and learn more about nutrition and training behind it all. Best thing about competing was seeing her body change week by week and pushing herself to new limits with fitness.

#52 Ali Gilbert - Golf Fitness Professional, competed for the experience of completely changing her physique. Hardest part was figuring out which diet works best and the best thing was learning about herself.

#56 Ulla Plourde - is a teacher at a federal prison, works out at Gold’s Gym, hardest part was waking up at 3:00am every morning to train at 4:00am and then drive to work but loved seeing her body change week by week.

#57 Amanda Vaughn-Crumb - is a stock broker and works out at New York Sports Club, competed in last year’s Fitness Atlantic and enjoyed it so much she decided to return, loves pushing herself to meet goals.

#58 Brittany O’Brien - ABA Therapist, works out at the YMCA, competed for the chalenge, dieting was the hardest part but the best was the satisfaction of a goal.

#59 Kristin Vermillian - group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and small business owner. Works out at Omni Fitness and decided to compete for personal growth and dedication. She is always striving to be better and loved feeling the healthiest she has ever has.

#60 Stephanie Schmid - works out at LA Fitness, this was her first contest and did it to show off her hard work and determination. The hardest part was the last week of dieting but the best part was the results.

#61 Alyssa Bernier - behavior technician who works out at Gold’s Gym, wanted to set a goal for herself and train to be the best she could be. Only obstacle was herself and biggest sacrifice was cinnamon toast crunch and peanut butter!

#62 Carlene Steenekamp - director for Legend Fitness an equipment company, works out at Rush, decided to compete after delivering 3 kids via c-section and wanted her old body back. She is a contrubuting writer for a fitness magazine as well as board member of non-profit for Special Spaces doing dream rooms for terminally ill children.

#63 Judy Veras - teacher and a mother, decided to compete for a personal goal, as a mother of 4 children working out takes a lot of time and the hardest was learning how to manage it all. The best thing about the contest was getting her physique.

#64 Shaliar Drew - is a counselor and works out at Club 24, in two years this is her 3rd show, once she did one she was hooked.

#65 Tiffany Yancey - is a personal trainer, works out at 180 Fitness, decied to compete because her best friend inspired her and she wanted to accomplish a goal and is very competitive. Best thing was seeing the hard work payoff in her physique.

#66 Kenisha Smith - IT Specialist and personal trainer, works out at Cardio Express, having been an athlete through college and then being severly overweight for years she wanted to challenge herself to the thrill of competition.

#67 Candice Taylor - is an engineer, spin instructor, and going to school for radiation therapy. Works out at Personalized Fitness. Decied to compete to challenge herself and be a postitive role model for younger aspiring females. Said competing got her in the best shape of her life and the best learning experience also learning how to diet and the importance of diet.

#68 Heidi Jones - is a personal trainer and business owner. Works out at Newport Athletic Club. Has competed in 14 competitions. Competes for a beautiful body and great sense of well-being.

#70 Alyssa Rajcula - is a sales rep at Club 24, is a Wilhemina Fitness Model. Fitness has always been her passion. Best thing about competing is waking up everyday excited to go to the gym and train hard!

#71 Fleur De Kine - is a mixologist, works out at Big Sky, decied to compete to meet personal goals and clean up her life and make new friends.

#72 Idelisa Lopez - is a phlebotomist and works out at Fitness Junky. Decided to compete after loosing 40lbs and her trainer pushed her to do her best. Competing has helped push her harder than ever with eating right and mental and physical focus.

#73 Kimberly Marchione - is a manager and bartender. Works out at Gold’s Gym. Decided to compete because she enjoys working out and wanted to step it up and wanted to go for it. Best thing was seeing her body change with the diet and working out.

#140 Erin Dwyer - is a bartender and works at Anytime Fitness. Competed for a personal goal and likes the self-discipline needed for training. Thanks her daughter for putting up with her.

#142 Taryn Ferrara - is a human resource analyst and works out at the YMCA. Was approached at the YMCA by someone that asked to sponsor her to compete and it sounded like a great journey and it was. Enjoyed seeing the transformation.

#76 Elizabeth Boos - is a personal trainer and director of a gym. Works out at Westwood Health and Fitness an has competed in Wilhemina Fit Body. Competed because she wanted a challenge and liked watching her body transform. Thanks her 3 children and her husband for encouraging her all the way.

#77 Ella Steigler - is a human resource professional and works out at Personal Lifestyle Fitness. Decided to compete to gain more confidence and also to get in better physical shape.

#78 Ilona Kovacs - is an administrator and works out at Tribeca Health and Fitness. Likes the way competing makes her feel and look.

#79 Josette Puig - mother of 4 and owner of a fitness business. Decided to compete to take fitness to another level and inspire others. Being a single mother of 4 and competing has many challenges. The best part is learning you are stronger than you thought you ever were.

#80 Robin Trauth - is a personal trainer and works out at Newport Athletic Club. Decided to compete to get into the best possible shape. Became more disciplined and focused by competing.

#83 Carissa Joy Monroe - is a personal trainer and works out at 24 Hour Fitness. Decided to compete to challenge herself and become the absolute best she can be. The best part of competing was the challenge.

#86 Renee Rapetti - is a personal trainer and works out at Big Al’s. Decided to compete because she loves the whole sport and mostly because she is in control of transforming her whole body. Said the best thing is watching the progress her body endures is very rewarding looking at photos throughout the journey. Said not many people are this dedicated otherwise more people would compete.

#88 Allie Whitesides - is a health club manager and works out at Fit Nation. Decided to compete because she wanted to kick it up a notch and look better at 30 than she ever did in her life. The best thing about competing was the healthier you feel.

#89 Cora Randa - is a forest fire fighter and works out at Push Fitness. She was inspired by fitness model Diana Chaloux. Said sometimes it was difficult to balance everything but she learned to make it work. Loved seeing constant improvements.

#132 Kaylin Boileau - works in finance and trains at Focus on Fitness. Liked achieving new goals.

#94 Angela Noury - is a manager at Planet Fitness and has competed in 4 contests. Biggest set back was a dislocated shoulder.

#95 Crystal Rice - is a registered nurse and certified personal trainer. Works out at Gold’s Gym. Decided to compete to stay physically fit and have a goal to work towards. Best part of competing was facing discipline and inspiring others around her.

#96 Darya Maile - is a student and works out at Newport Athletic Club. Competed because she wanted to take her body to the next level. Has a 6 year old daughter and best part was looking good and shopping for a bikini.

#29 Mark Baselice is a personal trainer and works out at Planet Fitness, LA Fitness, and Gold’s Gym. Decided to compete to get in shape.

#20 Ed Mazzuchelli - is a gym owner and works out at Evolution Lifestyles. has been competing 17 years. Decided to compete while training for football and likes the feeling of accomplishment.

#24 Calvin Huang is an electrical engineer and works out at Planet Fitness. Decided to compete for fun. Did not like doing cardio but liked getting lean.

#27 Baj Robert works out in East Hartford and thanks his training partner Paul and his wife.

#28 Kyle Reels is a store operations manager and works out at Bally Total Fitness. he says he is a competitive person and likes the challenge and he likes accomplishing a goal.

#144 Laimondo Trowell is a bus motor coach operator and works out at LA Fitness. He has competed in Fitness Atlantic every year since 2004 and enjoys counting down the days before the show and the intensity of training.

#146 Leighton Edwards is a personal training and group fitness instructor and works at LA Fitness. He had won the 2009 novice overall at Fitness Atlantic.

#12 Kevin Dorothy is a sales rep and works out at Gold’s Gym and this was his 3rd show. He competes because he likes the challenge.

#22 Michael Craven is a sports performance coach and works out at Teamworks Fitness. he has competed in 12 contests since 2007. Competes for a fun challenge and likes the mental and physical challenge it brings.

#23 Michael Carusone is a real estate investor and works out at Workout World and Gold’s Gym. He wanted his 6 year old daughter to see him compete and likes competing because he gives him structure.

#25 Bryant Ferguson works in assembly and works out at Fitness 4000. Decided to compete because it was a hometown competition. Competes because he likes seeing the transformation happen.
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