Monday, July 5, 2010


My first competition was April 17, 2010, at the Fitness Atlantic in Connecticut.
The anticipation is something to be told as it actually began several months before the event.

I never envisioned myself doing a figure competition until I became part of the Cathy Savage Fitness Program.
My intention was get some fitness modeling work when I first signed up with the program.

To be quite honest, I never thought I could get up on stage with a packed audience and bright lights before me and remain with any sense of calm.I trained very diligently. My diet was very clean eating. I allowed myself only health snacks for several months. On this journey to the competition there were many days that I experienced self doubt about being confident enough to go on stage and how and what may go wrong once I’ve gotten there. I have always been the type of person that likes to follow through with anything I begin. I enjoy facing and overcoming new fears and challenges as I feel there will be one less obstacle to keep me from my goals, and in the end it will make me that much stronger.
Mind over matter is what it comes down to.

As the weeks went on, I began to see a wonderful transformation. My body was now much leaner and there was clearly much more muscle definition. It’s as if my body fat was just melting off like magic. I felt stronger in many ways. I realized that this transformation did not happen overnight. Getting ready for my first competition took a lot of focus, discipline and much determination. Preparation for a challenging event must consist of those three things if you want to reach your goal.
Time management is also very important.

Shopping for food and preparing meals, getting your daily workouts in and also learning to balance all of the other responsibilities going on in your life, especially if you have a family to care for as well.

It is an awesome feeling to have your mind and body working to its fullest potential, it’s the ultimate challenge.

My family and friends realized just how serious I was about fitness when I decided to compete.
They respected my decision and they knew I had put my heart and soul into the preparation. I wanted to do what had to be done in order to be ready and feel confident when it was show time. It meant a lot to me to know that I did all that I could.

The funny thing is that during this journey, I realized what I was made of. I found my strengths and weaknesses. Everyday I would work harder to enhance my strengths and eliminate another weakness. I was very concerned about the posing. I know this was crucial to have a positive placing in the competition. I tried very hard and practiced just about everyday. Most non-competitors would imagine it to be such a simple thing. It’s quite the opposite as it is all about technique. My back pose was the most challenging.

I had to think of doing a lat pull-down, but at the same time separate my shoulder blades. I was told it could take up to a year to perfect this pose. Practicing everyday is key to nailing the poses. Everything must come together once you set foot on that stage.

Every thought imaginable comes into your mind before you go on stage. I must admit that reconsidering what I was doing entered my mind as there was one girl before me. What a feeling that was! I had to talk to myself and ready myself mentally for what I was about to do. I could have become a deer in headlights for all I knew.

I would like to mention how organized and professionally planned the Fitness Atlantic Competition was. I was a newcomer in the competing world and I must say that Brian Cannone’s event has left a wonderful impression on me that will last a lifetime.

I recommend anyone who hasn’t competed to try The Fitness Atlantic as their first show. It will bring the best out in you and make you shine like a star. Thanks for the wonderful memory, Brian. I'll see you again next time!


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