Friday, October 30, 2009

Hugh Ross Competes in Mr. Universe 2009

Majestic Ross cops 3rd at NABBA Mr. Universe in England

October 29, 2009 | By KNews | Filed Under Sports
Crowd shows displeasure, felt he should have won
By Franklin Wilson

Guyana’s most decorated Bodybuilder Hugh Arlington Ross competing for the USA at the NABBA Mr. Universe held in England last weekend, placed third out of 22 World Champions at the prestigious event held at the Southport Theatre & Floral Hall Complex.
Of the four athletes who were selected to represent the USA at the event, Ross was the only one to make it to the finals, only three attended, the other was sidelined by injury.
Speaking with Kaieteur sport, Ross, who endured quite a bit of challenges during preparation including a death in the family, said 47 countries were represented at the event and the result is a very good one for him despite the crowd vociferously opposing the fact that he was placed third rather than first.
Competing in the Masters category, Ross noted that when he finally saw his competitors backstage at the prejudging, he had to ask a few of them if they were sure they were in the Masters division, alluding to their well chiseled and huge physiques.
“They all seem well prepared hence I immediately knew I had quite a fight on my hand for which I was also well prepared. I tried a different carbohydrate loading method this time around which worked well but perhaps I should have started it a few hours earlier to cater for the five hours difference in time between the US & the UK. The result was that I was a few pounds lighter than the goal I had in mind.”
The former USA Powerlifting champion disclosed that the prejudging was extremely tough and he was very exhausted after that, he had to return to the hotel to sleep while continuing his carbohydrate loading until the finals.
“Seemingly I was an audience favorite hence when I was announced in third they were very vocal in their dissatisfaction.”
But as a good sportsman Ross said he respected the final decision which saw him finishing behind winner Aivars Visockis of Latvia and Sam Ioannidis of Australia.
Davis Steele and Derek Jones both of the UK finished 4th and 5th respectively while Brazil’s Luiz Flavio Felicio took the 6th position.
Ross, who has since returned to the USA and has resumed training since there is a strong possibility that he would have to be on stage again very shortly, is expressing his deepest gratitude to all his supporters an fans.
He singled out for special mention, former Guyana Defence Force Capt. Chetwyn Eastman and family, who reside in England.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery

INBF New York Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 3

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 4

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships Poughkeepsie, NY

INBF NY 2008 Photo Gallery Part 5

INBF New York State Natural Bodybuilding and Figure Championships

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What the Pro's Know that you might not...

Here's what the pro's know that you might not...

You see, "stage competing" bodybuilders and other professional athletes train all year long for their "event season".

That could mean a stage posedown or it might be Olympic tryouts.

EVERYTHING they do is geared to peaking out at that one time when they have to be at their very BEST!

So how does this apply to you?

Well, what's YOUR "big event" for the year?

Is it the time you'll spend at the beach next summer?

Is it some sporting event you want to dominate?

Is it a class reunion you have planned that you'd like to show the dumb jocks who picked on you in high school that you could pulverize them with your pinky if you wanted to?

Whatever it is, the key to getting MAXIMUM RESULTS from your training program is to...

...CYCLE your training!

There are plenty of ways to do this, but if your goal is to "look your best" for the summer (what 95% of guys are focused on), then here's a sample ANNUAL TRAINING CYCLE sample that will help you plan a year's worth of training...

...and help you decide what to do RIGHT NOW!


How To Cycle Your Training For Max Results!



Jan – Mar:


Getting lean for a summer "beach body" should start EARLY to maintain as much muscle mass as possible when you show off your six pack.

In January, you're best off with a "build & burn" training regimen that STILL focuses on "muscle-building", but is also geared toward naturally boosting hormones that do double duty by building muscle while burning fat at the same time.


Apr – Aug:


To get (and STAY!) “super lean” through the summer, ease into “fat burning” mode EARLY to avoid muscle loss that often occurs when trying to get to low body fat levels too fast..

You can still build muscle...but it’s NOT your primary focus if you want to get to very low body fat levels.

Don’t abandon the weights, but stay with higher volume sets and lighter weights and include more low-intensity cardio to preserve muscle while burning fat.


Sep – Dec:


Don’t freak out about your waistline!

The end of year is the best time to focus on building up more muscle mass for “next year” so you can continuously improve your body composition and have more lean muscle to show when you strip off the fat again for next summer!

Also, this is the VERY BEST time to include a “muscle specialization” program to add more mass to the one or two areas you most need the size.


What You Should Be Doing RIGHT NOW...


Obviously, since it's now October, you're at the PERFECT POINT to add more muscle mass to your body before gearing up next year for the big "lean out".

And since this is the BEST time to zero in on one single muscle, NOW is the time to assess WHICH area of your body needs the most work, right?

Go ahead and take a good long look in the mirror and see where you may be "out of balance" with how your body looks.

==> Is it your CHEST?

==> ARMS too skinny?

==> SHOULDERS look scrawny?

Whatever it is, you'll want to FOCUS on this area to divert your body's mass-building efforts to that region.

Now you CAN'T just take off and blast that muscle group with a gut-wrenching program that forces you into a state of "overtraining".

This can actually STOP your progress and you can even LOSE MUSCLE MASS!

You have to address ALL of the "anabolic factors" necessary in order to support your body's NATURAL growth efforts to the muscle group of your choice.

That's why I've been recommending Jeff Anderson's new "Muscle Specialization Secrets" program at:




Its entire aim is to help you bring up ANY muscle group to add more SIZE and bring it up to "showcase" level!

The whole program includes

...Printed Manual

...Full Length DVD

...Bonus VIDEOS For Each Muscle Group


...Exercise Guide

..."Tracking Software"

It's really a "mega-package" that can help you bring up lagging body parts FAST!

I highly recommend you go and check it out NOW because he only had 500 boxes created and he's NOT going to producing any more.

When they're gone...they're gone for good!

Again, here's the website to go and learn more...





Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Truth about ABS

I know what you're thinking...

You're expecting me to say that the "reality" about getting a
6-pack is to "burn off the fat", right?

You want to tell me that you "already HAVE a 6-pack" but it's
just covered with a layer of blubber, eh?

Sure, that's what ALL of the guru's say, and it's TRUE...


You see, too many people have put in all the "hard work" to get
to single digit body fat levels only to find that when the fat
is gone...

...their abs are still FLAT AS A PANCAKE!

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So here's the REAL TRUTH about ABS...

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You actually have to HAVE "muscle" on your abs in order to
achieve that killer "ripped" look!

Plus, here's one more little "unknown" that will make getting
a 6-pack EASIER...

You see, the amount of muscle you have on your abs will
determine whether you start seeing your "pack" poke through
at 10% body fat or 6% body fat.

And TRUST ME...there's a WORLD of difference in that 4% gap,
as anyone who's ever tried to "diet down" to single digit body
fat levels will tell you!

As far as I'm concerned, if I can look great at 10% body fat
because my abs have more muscle and are more defined, then all
the better...easier abs!

So you have to TRAIN your abs hard in the gym, just like ANY
other muscle!

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So how SHOULD you train your abs?

============================== ==

Well, if you haven't seen this yet, my friend, Jeff Anderson,
has been holding a DAILY contest asking people to post THERE
best training secrets for each muscle group.

It's a "private access" blog you can gain access to at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Click Now For The Password

Jeff's been asking for all of YOUR best training tips for each
muscle group...

...and he's giving away $100 every night on a "LIVE MUSCLE TV
SHOW" for one lucky poster.

Today's topic is "ARMS TRAINING" and all you have to do to
share your own "secrets" is go and post a comment in the blog at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Post A "Tip" On The Private Blog

While you're there, read the OTHER tips that are available.

(So far, Jeff's covered "Chest", "Back", "Legs", "Shoulders",
and last night was
"Abs Training".)

There are now over 600 TRAINING TIPS waiting for you.

Here's a "3-Tip Sample" of some great posts pulled out of

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ABS Training Tip # 6 from Trever

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"Hanging leg raises with a twist -

Bring your legs up past eye level ( if you can) lower them half
way down ( straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor).

Then bring your knees to your chest and twist them side to side
a couple of times.

Extend your legs out again and slowly let them all the way down.

Do as many reps as repeat for 1-2 more sets."

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Combo Training Tip #21 from David

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"Use a lighter weight plate when doing weighted crunches, but
hold it over head as if doing a dumbbell pull-over.

This creates more tension so it's equivalent to higher weights.

However, as you go to failure, you can bring the weight closer
by bending your arms, reducing the tension.

Keep doing this until the weight is over your chest.

In effect, this is a drop set, but doesn't involve changing
weights, making it more convenient."

============================== =======

Rear Delts Training Tip #33 from Cal!

(Call actually WON the $100 random drawing LAST night!)

============================== =======

"This circuit is 75 reps (or other desired #) and should be
repeated 4 to 5 times. I normally do this circuit 1-2 times per week.

Grab a 45 lb olympic plate.

Lay with back on the ground, with knees bent 90 degrees and feet
on the ground.

Grab the 45 lb plate and hold above you, like extended in bench
press position.

Keeping arms locked out, do 25 crunches (envision yourself
trying to touch the 45 lb plate to the ceiling).

When done with those 25 reps, DO NOT DROP THE WEIGHT DOWN.

Simple raise your feet off the ground, keeping your knees bent at
90 degrees. Again, do 25 crunches. Again, DO NOT DROP THE WEIGHT.

Now fully extend your legs, straight into the air so that your
body is now in a 90 degree position.

Again, do another 25 crunches.

After finishing those 25 reps, NOW YOU DROP THE WEIGHT.

You will feel a lot of burn in your abs when finishing these.
Turn over onto your stomach and stretch for 30 sec to a minute.

Take no longer than 90 seconds rest between circuits.

These are sure to add some mass to your abs, to give them that
"POP", to give you more than just a "flat stomach"

============================== =======

Now it's YOUR TURN to throw your ARMS TRAINING TIP into the
"secrets pile"!

Go NOW and post your OWN to the list in the V.I.P. blog at:

http://www.musclenerdfitness. com/go.php?offer=beyondfit& pid=5 <= Post Your ARMS TIP

...and get ready for tonight's "Muscle TV Show" to see if
Jeff calls your name as the winner!

Good luck!
